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This module introduces Grade 12 learners to creative writing techniques. It will help develop their creative and practical reading and writing skills through exploring imagery, diction, figures of speech, and drawing from personal experiences.
In this module, the students understand and appreciate the elements and contexts of Creative Writing by distinguishing imaginative writing from technical writing and among other forms of writing, and create short paragraphs using imagery, diction, figures of speech, and specific experiences.
This video lesson is about Creative Writing Quarter 1 Lesson 1 What is Creative Writing? And it is for Grade 12 HUMSS learners.Created by: Samantha Coleen I....
Q1_Creative Writing 12_Module 1_Imagery, Diction and Figure of Speech - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.
This contains a lesson that will enhance your skills in writing as well as will challenge your creativity especially in thinking critically in applying imagery and figures of speech. Before you will reach the discussion of the lesson, different tasks need to be answered first.
creative skills in reading and writing. It is a module that introduces the students to the. basic techniques of writing fiction, poetry and drama. imagery, diction, figures of speech, and specific experiences. To learn and benefit from this module, follow the following steps: 1.