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Reviewed 03 September 2024
- Hospitals & health services
- Public hospitals in Victoria
- Patient care
- Ambulance and patient transport
- Non-emergency patient transport
- Non-emergency patient transport review
- NEPT legislation and clinical practice protocols
- Non-emergency patient transport licensing
- NEPT licensing fees
- NEPT services information and guidance
- First Aid Services
- First aid licences
- First aid services information and guidance
- First aid service fees
- Victorian State Trauma System
- Acute medicine
- Emergency care
- Surgical services
- Better at Home
- Critical care
- Hospital in the Home
- Cancer care
- Victorian cancer plan
- Optimal care pathways
- Cancer treatment
- Cancer wellbeing and supportive care
- Virtual care (Telehealth)
- Perinatal and reproductive services
- Rehabilitation and complex care
- Renal health
- Renal services in Victoria
- Funding for renal services
- Different approaches to haemodialysis
- Specialist clinics
- Access to non-admitted services
- Minimum referral information
- Communication toolkit
- Integrated care
- HealthLinks: Chronic Care
- Community Health Integrated Program (CHIP) guidelines
- Service coordination in Victoria
- Victorian integrated care online resources
- Specialist clinics programs
- Specialist clinics reform
- Specialty diagnostics, therapeutics and programs
- Older people in hospital
- End of life and palliative care in Victoria
- Voluntary assisted dying
- Quality, safety and service improvement
- Digital Health
- Roadmap and Maturity Model
- Standards and guidelines
- Policies and frameworks
- Health Information Sharing Legislation Reform
- My Health Record
- Public hospital accreditation in Victoria
- Credentialing for senior medical staff in Victoria
- Clinical risk management
- Preventing infections in health services
- Healthy choices
- Victorian Perinatal Data Collection
- Rural health
- Improving Access to Primary Care in Rural and Remote Areas Initiative
- Rural x-ray services
- Rural health regions and locations
- Rural and regional medical director role
- Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme
- Rural and isolated practice registered nurses
- Urgent care in regional and rural Victoria
- Private health service establishments
- Private hospitals
- Day procedure centres
- Mobile health services
- Fees for private health service establishments in Victoria
- Design resources for private health service establishments
- Professional standards in private health service establishments
- Legislation updates for private health service establishments
- Complaints about private health service establishments
- Cosmetic procedures
- Guideline for providers of liposuction
- Private hospital funding agreement
- Boards and governance
- About health service boards in Victoria
- Information and education
- Education resources for boards
- Sector leadership
- Data, reporting and analytics
- Health data standards and systems
- Funding, performance and accountability
- Statements of Priorities
- Performance monitoring framework
- Integrity governance framework and assessment tool
- Pricing and funding framework
- Patient fees and charges
- Fees and charges for admitted patients
- Non-admitted patients - fees and charges
- Other services
- Planning and infrastructure
- Medical equipment asset management framework
- Health system design, service and infrastructure planning
- Complementary service and locality planning
- Primary & community health
- Primary care
- Community pharmacist pilot
- EOI - Victorian Community Pharmacist Statewide Pilot
- Victorian Community Pharmacist Statewide Pilot – Resources for pharmacists
- Emergency Response Planning Tool
- Working with general practice
- Nurse-on-Call
- Urgent Care Clinics
- Local Public Health Units
- Community health
- Community health services
- Community health pride
- Registration and governance of community health centres
- Community Health Directory
- Community Health Program in Victoria
- Community health population groups
- Dental health
- Access to public dental care services
- Victoria's public dental care fees
- Victoria's public dental care waiting list
- Dental health for SRS residents
- Dental health program reporting
- Smile Squad school dental program
- Maternal and Child Health Service
- Nursery Equipment Program
- Maternal and Child Health Service Framework
- Maternal and Child Health Service resources
- Child Development Information System
- Early parenting centres
- Maternal Child and Health Reporting, Funding and Data
- Baby bundle
- Sleep and settling
- Maternal and Child Health Workforce professional development
- Aboriginal Maternal and Child Health
- Public health
- Women's Health and Wellbeing Program
- Inquiry into Women's Pain
- Support groups and programs
- About the program
- Victorian Women's Health Advisory Council
- Cemeteries and crematoria
- Cemetery trust member appointments
- Cemetery search
- Cemeteries and crematoria complaints
- Exhumations
- Governance and finance
- Cemetery grants
- Interments and memorials
- Land and development
- Legislation governing Victorian cemeteries and crematoria
- Cemeteries and crematoria publications
- Repatriations
- Rights of interment
- Medicines and Poisons Regulation
- Patient Schedule 8 treatment permits
- Schedule 8 MDMA and Schedule 8 psilocybine
- Schedule 9 permits for clinical trials
- Documents and forms to print or download
- Legislation and Approvals
- Frequently Asked Questions - Medicines and Poisons Regulation
- Health practitioners
- Licences and permits to possess (& possibly supply) scheduled substances
- Medicinal cannabis
- Pharmacotherapy (opioid replacement therapy)
- Recent updates
- Environmental health
- Improving childhood asthma management in Melbourne's inner west
- Climate and weather, and public health
- Environmental health in the community
- Environmental health in the home
- Environmental health professionals
- Face masks for environmental hazards
- Human health risk assessments
- Lead and human health
- Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
- Pesticide use and pest control
- Food safety
- Information for community groups selling food to raise funds
- Food businesses
- Food safety information for consumers
- Food regulation in Victoria
- Food safety library
- Food allergens
- Introducing Standard 3.2.2A: Food safety management tools
- Immunisation
- Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) immunisation
- Seasonal influenza vaccine
- Immunisation schedule and vaccine eligibility criteria
- Ordering vaccine
- Immunisers in Victoria
- Immunisation provider information
- Cold chain management
- Adverse events following immunisation reporting
- Vaccine error management
- Vaccination for infants and children
- Vaccination for adolescents
- Vaccination program for adults
- Vaccination for special-risk groups
- Victorian coverage rates for Victoria
- Infectious diseases guidelines & advice
- Infection control guidelines
- Disease information and advice
- Advice to the cruise industry: reporting infections
- Notifiable infectious diseases, conditions and micro-organisms
- Notification procedures for infectious diseases
- Infectious diseases surveillance in Victoria
- Germicidal ultraviolet light
- Protecting patient privacy in Victoria
- Population health systems
- Evidence and evaluation
- Health promotion
- Health status of Victorians
- Municipal public health and wellbeing planning
- Population screening
- Cancer screening
- Conditions not screened
- Improving outcomes in under-screened groups
- Infant hearing screening
- Newborn bloodspot screening
- Prenatal screening
- Screening registers
- Preventive health
- Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease prevention
- Injury prevention
- Healthy eating
- Oral health promotion
- Physical activity
- Sexual health
- Sex worker health
- Decriminalisation of sex work
- Automatic mutual recognition
- Domestic smoke detectors
- Lasers, IPL and LED devices for cosmetic treatments and beauty therapy
- Victoria's regulatory framework for radiation
- Tobacco reforms
- Tobacco reform legislation and regulations
- E-cigarettes and vaping
- E-cigarettes (vapes) – information for pharmacists
- Quitting smoking and vaping
- Smoke-free and vape-free areas
- Building entrances
- Children's indoor play centres
- Public hospitals and health centres
- Children's recreational areas
- Playground equipment
- Skate parks
- Swimming pools
- Under-age sporting events
- Enclosed workplaces
- Government buildings
- Learning environments
- Outdoor dining
- Outdoor drinking areas
- Patrolled beaches
- Train platforms and bus and tram shelters
- Under-age music or dance events
- Tobacco and e-cigarette retailers
- Making a report or complaint
- Resources and factsheets
- Alternative water supplies
- Aquatic facilities
- Blue-green algae (cyanobacteria)
- Drinking water in Victoria
- Legionella risk management
- Private drinking water
- Recreational water use and possible health risks
- Water fluoridation
- Chief Health Officer
- About the Chief Health Officer
- Chief Health Officer publications
- Health alerts and advisories
- Mental health
- Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022
- Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022 Handbook
- Community information
- Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022 in your language
- Mental health and wellbeing reform
- About the Royal Commission
- Our next phase
- Lived experience
- Leadership Strategy
- Aboriginal social and emotional wellbeing
- Engagement and advisory groups
- Terminology and language
- About Victoria's mental health services
- Area-based services
- Statewide and specialist mental health services
- Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals
- Mental Health Community Support Services
- Support and intervention services
- Language services - when to use them
- Access to mental health services across areas
- Transport for people in mental health services
- Practice and service quality
- Medical Treatment Planning and Decisions Act
- Service quality
- Specialist responses
- Working with consumers and carers
- Consumer and carer engagement
- Consumer and Carer Experience Surveys
- Family support and crisis plans
- Consumer and carer financial support
- Supporting children whose parents have a mental illness
- Supporting parents with a mental illness
- Prevention and promotion
- Early intervention in mental illness
- Mental health promotion in Victoria
- Suicide prevention in Victoria
- Rights and advocacy
- Making a complaint about a mental health service
- Chief Psychiatrist
- About the Chief Psychiatrist
- Obligations under the Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022
- Reporting obligations for clinical mental health and wellbeing services
- Reporting a failure to comply with the Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022
- Governance and committees
- Mental health and wellbeing support
- Making a complaint and seeking advocacy
- Second psychiatric opinion and process of review by Chief Psychiatrist
- Reform activities and news involving the Office of the Chief Psychiatrist
- Resources and reports
- Chief psychiatrist guidelines
- Chief Mental Health Nurse
- About Victoria's Chief Mental Health Nurse
- Best practice
- Reducing restrictive interventions
- Research and reporting
- Mental health performance reports
- Reporting requirements and business rules for clinical mental health services
- Alcohol & drugs
- Alcohol and other drug treatment services
- Overview of Victoria's alcohol and drug treatment system
- Pathways into alcohol and other drugs treatment
- Prevention and harm reduction
- Victoria's Take-Home Naloxone Program
- Medically supervised injecting room
- Victoria’s pill testing trial
- Community-based AOD treatment services in Victoria
- Residential treatment services
- Mildura statewide alcohol and drug residential treatment service
- Drug rehabilitation plan
- Hospital-based services
- Forensic services
- Pharmacotherapy treatment
- Services for Aboriginal people
- Services for young people
- Statewide and specialist services
- Compulsory treatment
- Family and peer support
- Public intoxication reform
- New public intoxication response services
- Policy, research and legislation
- Alcohol and drug research and data
- Legislation governing alcohol and other drug treatment
- Alcohol and other drug service standards and guidelines
- Alcohol and other drug client charter and resources
- Alcohol and other drug treatment principles
- Service quality and accreditation
- Alcohol and other drug program guidelines
- Maintenance pharmacotherapy
- Specialist Family Violence Advisor capacity building program in mental health and alcohol and other drug services - Victoria
- Alcohol and other drug workforce
- Learning and development
- Alcohol and other drug workforce Minimum Qualification Strategy
- Workforce data and planning
- Funding and reporting for alcohol and other drug services
- Funding of alcohol and other drugs services in Victoria
- Victorian Alcohol and Drug Collection
- Drug alerts
- 25C-NBOMe and 4-FA sold as '2C-B'
- Novel stimulants sold as MDMA, cocaine or speed
- Protonitazene sold as ketamine
- High potency benzodiazepine tablets
- MDMA adulterated with PMMA
- 25B-NBOH sold as powdered 'LSD'
- Green 'UPS' pills containing N-ethylpentylone (no MDMA)
- N-ethylpentylone in cocaine
- Ageing & aged care
- Supporting independent living
- Low cost accommodation support programs
- Personal Alert Victoria
- Dementia services
- Victorian Aids and Equipment Program
- Residential aged care services
- Public sector residential aged care services
- Substitute decision making and restrictive practices in aged care
- Safety and quality in public sector residential aged care
- Physical and social environments
- Emergency preparedness in residential aged care services
- My Aged Care assessment services
- Home and Community Care Program for Younger People
- HACC data reporting
- HACC PYP fees policy and schedule of fees
- Dementia-friendly environments
- Designing for people with dementia
- Maintaining personal identity
- Personal enjoyment
- Interior design
- Dining areas, kitchens and eating
- Bedrooms and privacy
- Gardens and outdoor spaces
- Assistive technology
- Staff education and support
- Strategies, checklists and tools
- Our Strategic Plan 2023-27 (2024 update)
- Our organisation
- Our secretary
- Leadership charter
- Our department
- Our vision and values
- Specialist offices
- Health Regulator
- Senior officers in health
- Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC)
- Gifts, benefits and hospitality policy
- Health legislation
- Health regulation reform
- Health legislation overview
- Health Complaints legislation
- Health Records Act
- Human Tissue Act 1982
- Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008
- Voluntary Assisted Dying Act
- Victoria's pandemic management framework
- Independent Pandemic Management Advisory Committee
- Pandemic Order Register
- Our ministers
- Our role in emergencies
- State Health Emergency Response Arrangements
- Emergency type
- Department's responsibilities in emergencies
- Health services’ responsibilities in emergencies
- Aboriginal employment
- Employment programs for students and graduates
- Rise program
- Diversity, equity and inclusion
- Health workforce
- Working in health
- Information sharing and MARAM
- Child Safe Standards
- Regulatory functions
- Reviews of decisions
- Victorian Public Healthcare Awards
- Aboriginal healthcare workers
- Mental health workforce
- Lived and living experience workforces
- Engaging with lived and living experience workforces
- Our workforce, our future
- Nursing and midwifery
- Free nursing and midwifery study
- Additional funding for nursing and midwifery positions
- Becoming a nurse or midwife
- Undergraduate nursing and midwifery scholarships
- Undergraduate student employment programs
- Nursing and midwifery graduates
- Nursing and midwifery graduate sign-on bonus
- Working as a nurse or midwife
- Enrolled nurse to registered nurse transition scholarships
- Support for new nurse practitioners
- Postgraduate scholarships for nurses and midwives
- Nurse practitioners
- Returning to nursing or midwifery
- Refresher pathway for nurses and midwives
- Re-entry pathway scholarships for nurses and midwives
- Nursing and midwifery - legislation and regulation
- Nursing and midwifery program - health sector
- Allied health workforce
- Education and training
- Enterprise agreements
- Worker health and wellbeing
- Working with us
- Grants and programs
- Freedom of Information
- Part II - Information Statements
- Procurement policies
- Protective markings
- Health and medical research
- Sponsorship application information
- Publications
- Annual reports
- Fact sheets
- Strategies, plans and charters
- Policies, standards and guidelines
- Research and reports
- Forms and templates
- Communities
- Designing for Diversity
- Vulnerable children
- Vulnerable children - responsibilities of health professionals
- Identifying and responding to children at risk
- Pathway to good health for children in care
- Older people
- Aboriginal health
- Improving health for Victorians from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
- Asylum seeker and refugee health in Victoria
- News and media hub
- Health alerts
- Medicine & medical device supply disruptions
- Media releases
- Feedback and complaints
- Make a payment
- Fees, charges and penalties subject to automatic indexation
- Our campaigns
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Current Vacancies at GV Health
Benefits of working at gv health, living and working in greater shepparton, application tips, explore our careers, experience unlimited career growth at the largest and most comprehensive health service in victoria, australia., allied health, corporate & support services, mental health, nursing and midwifery, work experience, volunteering.
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- Visiting hours
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- Legislative requirements
- Freedom of Information
- Latest News
- Publications
- LRH eLearn Online Training Portal
- Kronos Workforce Central
- Careers and Training
- GPs & Health Professionals
Providing safe and supportive environments for our people to learn, develop and flourish
Have a look at our current vacancies
Our people are critical to our success. we want to build a reputation of having the best healthcare staff in victoria, full stop. we will achieve this by ensuring we always provide safe and supportive environments for our people to learn, develop and flourish., lrh is proud to be a values-based organisation offering: a friendly and supportive team a collaborative and innovative working environment supported learning and development opportunities modern and expanding facilities career progression. by building a strong, sustainable workforce, growing our research capabilities and utilising state-of-the-art infrastructure, we are able to provide our communities with care close to their homes..
Everything you need to know to prepare yourself for a career at LRH
Living in Gippsland
Who wouldn’t you want to make this beautiful part of Victoria their home?
Ready to make the move? We may be able to help.
LRH has so many different opportunities for nurses looking to do what they do best or eager to try something new.
We offer many roles, from general nursing to midwifery, paediatric, intensive care, oncology, dialysis, cardiac and theatre nursing positions.
You can share your skills with our acute or community mental health service or support patients requiring palliative care.
And now is the right time to join us. LRH will open a major expansion in 2024 featuring more operating theatres, a women’s and children’s unit, new intensive care unit and new wards.
Who doesn’t like somewhere new to work and a great community to live in?
LRH employees Interns, Hospital Medical Officers (HMOs), Registrars and Advanced Trainees. Junior doctors are provided with rotations in emergency, medical, oncology, surgery, orthopaedics, paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology, geriatric evaluation and management, rehabilitation, anaesthetics, psychiatry and critical care. As a teaching hospital, we provide an extensive education and training program and professional development opportunities.
Every day is different in a regional and rural setting like ours and the patients and conditions you will be presented with are interesting, diverse and challenging.
Mental Health
We’re recruiting in all areas! Working with our team at the hospital or in the community is rewarding and challenging. You will have a supportive crew around you as you care for some of the most vulnerable people in our community.
Have a listen to what our staff have to say about living and working in Gippsland.
Our Graduate Nurse Program gives you an opportunity to work in adult or aged inpatient units and in our community settings. We’re looking for positive people to join our friendly team. And if you’re looking to go part-time, we can help you get a little work-life balance.
If you’re thinking about joining our midwifery team, your timing is spot on! In 2024, LRH will open a new Women’s and Children’s Unit, offering a modern, contemporary and caring setting. We also have a high level special care nursery that is fully equipped to care for babies with special needs.
Our Thomson Women’s and Children’s Unit is staffed by a specialist team of midwives, obstetricians, mothercraft nurses, lactation consultants, division two nurses and paediatricians.
Allied Health
Not many hospital’s have an indoor pool but our Allied Health department does. It’s a great facility for patients undergoing rehabilitation for an injury, post-surgery or recovery from an illness.
We have more than 20 physiotherapists and allied health assistants. Our occupational therapists work in purpose-built facilities to help patients of all ages adapt to and cope with the demands of every day life. Our social workers, speech pathologists, dieticians and specialist teams who run programs such as our falls and mobility clinic are integral to the Allied Health team.
We’re one of the few hospitals offering a Prosthetics and Orthotics Unit able to fabricate and fit devices to the highest standards and using up-to-date techniques and component technology. Our P&O Unit also services and repairs prosthetic devices.
Our pharmacists dispense medication to patients at the hospital and people who are outpatients. The team works closely with staff and our patients on medication education and training.
There are excellent career progression opportunities and the option to specialise in a supportive friendly team. Pharmacists work closely with technicians and will rotate into different specialty areas. There is the option for on-call and weekend work where suitable.
Our pharmacy also provides an extensive oncology service, as the main hospital in Gippsland for the treatment of people with cancer and is involved in clinical trials at LRH.
Business, Financial & Support Services
Keeping a health service running, employing staff, maintaining equipment and buying goods and services is big business. There are a lot of people behind the scenes that contribute to our success and sustainability.
If you are an accountant or business or data analyst, LRH may have a role for you. As a member of our People and Culture team you’ll help us to look after more than 2500 staff.
Our IT team is often on the scout for talented techie-types. There are administrative roles across the organisation. Or you might just be a handy caterer, cafe assistant, cleaner or security officer.
Everyone’s contribution is valued!
Aboriginal employment
We really want to provide positive employment opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. We welcome applications and offer the support of our Aboriginal Health Liaison officers. Phone (03) 5173 8653.
There may be a job or traineeship for you in clinical and non-clinical areas. It’s worth having a look at the jobs we have available by clicking on this link or get in touch with our Aboriginal Health Unit.
Our traineeship opportunities are now open. Earn money while you study Information Communication Technology (ICT) or a Certificate III Business Traineeship.
Click here for more info on the ICT Traineeship which starts in April 2024.
Find out more about the Certificate III Business Traineeship which starts in March 2024.
LRH is a great place to learn and grow and there are pathways to leadership if that’s where you’d like your career to take you. We invest time in our team to develop their skills and leadership capability. We want to build the reputation of having the best healthcare staff in Victoria, full stop. Will you help us?
Ready to apply?
Let us help you make the most of your application..
Education & Training
Medical Workforce & Interns
Start your medical career at the largest regional hospital in eastern Victoria.
Graduate Nursing & Midwifery
Our programs offer you a dynamic and well-structured graduate year.
Mental Health Graduate Nurse
We’re on the scout for positive individuals looking for a friendly environment to learn.
Mel, Mental Health Nurse
I love the flexibility of being able to look after my family as well as progress my career. There are great career opportunities working within the community and inpatient settings.
For Emergencies Call: 000
Ambulance / fire / police.
Address PO Box 424 10 Village Avenue Traralgon, Victoria 3844
Have Feedback?
Read about or feedback process or tell us what you think about our service by completing this form or email [email protected]
Latrobe Regional Health acknowledges the Gunaikurnai and Bunurong peoples as the traditional custodians of the land on which our health services are located. Our commitment to improving the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island peoples is supported by our recognition and respect for their connection to their ancestral lands.
We value our community’s diversity. We are committed to providing an inclusive, welcoming and safe service and workplace for everyone who engages with our organisation regardless of race, culture, religion, sexuality, gender identity, age or ability.
©2024 Latrobe Regional Health
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- Yes No ONA Rad'n Therapy & Dosimetry (1)
Search Results List
- Posted Date
- Job Title Security Guard Job ID 103672 Location London Health Sciences Centre Department Recruitment Services Posted Date 2024/12/20 Close Date 2025/01/06
- Job Title Student Dispatch Clerk - Portering Dispatch Job ID 104052 Location Victoria Hospital Department Portering Dispatch Posted Date 2024/12/20 Close Date 2025/01/09
- Job Title Summer Student 2025 - Dietary Worker Job ID 104069 Location Victoria Hospital Department Recruitment Services Posted Date 2024/12/20 Close Date 2025/01/09
- Job Title Summer Student 2025 - Porter Job ID 103990 Location London Health Sciences Centre Department Recruitment Services Posted Date 2024/12/20 Close Date 2025/01/09
- Job Title Clinical Extern Nurse (Nursing Students) Job ID 103984 Location London Health Sciences Centre Department Recruitment Services Posted Date 2024/12/19 Close Date 2025/01/01
- Job Title Medical Secretary 9 - Department of Medicine - Division of Nephrology Job ID 103756 Location London Health Sciences Centre Department Nephrology Secretarial S112855 Posted Date 2024/12/19 Close Date 2024/12/25
- Job Title Ambulatory Clerk - UH Operating Room Job ID 103765 Location University Hospital Department UH OR Staff & Non Specific Exp Posted Date 2024/12/18 Close Date 2024/12/24
- Job Title Research Assistant I - Clinical Cancer Research Unit - London Health Sciences Centre Research Institute Job ID 104095 Location Victoria Hospital Department LOC Clinical Rsrch Unit LRCP Posted Date 2024/12/18 Close Date 2024/12/27
- Job Title Student - Clerical - Facilities Management Job ID 104072 Location London Health Sciences Centre Department Facilities Planning & Design Posted Date 2024/12/18 Close Date 2024/12/31
- Job Title Temporary Physiotherapist - Physiotherapy UH Job ID 102949 Location University Hospital Department Physiotherapy UH Posted Date 2024/12/18 Close Date 2024/12/31
- Job Title Clinical Extern - Physiotherapy Job ID 103673 Location London Health Sciences Centre Department HHR Clinical Extern - Physio Posted Date 2024/12/17 Close Date 2024/12/30
- Job Title Investigations Specialist - Employee & Labour Relations Job ID 104003 Location University Hospital Department Employee & Labour Relations Posted Date 2024/12/17 Close Date 2025/01/06
- Job Title Medical Radiation Technologist - Diagnostic MRI UH Job ID 103480 Location University Hospital Department Recruitment Services Posted Date 2024/12/17 Close Date 2025/01/01
- Job Title Medical Radiation Technologist - General Radiology UH Job ID 103482 Location University Hospital Department Recruitment Services Posted Date 2024/12/17 Close Date 2025/01/01
- Job Title Medical Radiation Technologist - Molecular Imaging & Theranostics (Nuclear Medicine) Job ID 103478 Location University Hospital Department Recruitment Services Posted Date 2024/12/17 Close Date 2025/01/01
- Job Title Medical Radiation Technologist - UH CT Job ID 103479 Location University Hospital Department Recruitment Services Posted Date 2024/12/17 Close Date 2025/01/01
- Job Title Medical Radiation Technologist - VH Radiology/CT Job ID 103481 Location Victoria Hospital Department Recruitment Services Posted Date 2024/12/17 Close Date 2025/01/01
- Job Title Certified EEG Technician UH Job ID 101778 Location University Hospital Department Recruitment Services Posted Date 2024/12/13 Close Date 2024/12/26
- Job Title Neurophysiologist - CNS Inpatient Unit Job ID 103026 Location University Hospital Department CNS Inpatient Unit Posted Date 2024/12/13 Close Date 2024/12/26
- Job Title Research Lab Technician I - Department of Surgery, Division of Urology - London Health Sciences Centre Research Institute Job ID 104067 Location Victoria Hospital Department LHSF/DEP- Inman Oncology Lab Posted Date 2024/12/13 Close Date 2024/12/27
- Job Title Charge Nurse - Apply here for all Charge Nurse Opportunities @ LHSC! Job ID 103668 Location London Health Sciences Centre Department Recruitment Services Posted Date 2024/12/12 Close Date 2024/12/25
- Job Title Coordinator, City-Wide Specimen Receiving, Client Services and Pre-Analytics Job ID 104060 Location London Health Sciences Centre Department LLS Core Lab - SJH Posted Date 2024/12/12 Close Date 2024/12/25
- Job Title Financial Specialist II - General Accounting Job ID 103894 Location London Health Sciences Centre Department General Accounting Posted Date 2024/12/12 Close Date 2024/12/25
- Job Title Medical Physicist ICP - Physics and Engineering Job ID 104030 Location London Regional Cancer Program Department LRC Rad Onc - Medical Physics Posted Date 2024/12/12 Close Date 2025/01/11
- Job Title Medical Physicist ICP - Physics and Engineering Job ID 104029 Location London Regional Cancer Program Department LRC Rad Onc - Medical Physics Posted Date 2024/12/12 Close Date 2025/01/11
- Job Title Medical Physicist ICP - Physics and Engineering Job ID 104028 Location London Regional Cancer Program Department LRC Rad Onc - Medical Physics Posted Date 2024/12/12 Close Date 2025/01/11
- Job Title Registered Nurse - Adult Emergency Department - University Hospital Job ID 103662 Location London Health Sciences Centre Department Recruitment Services Posted Date 2024/12/12 Close Date 2024/12/25
- Job Title Registered Nurse - Adult Emergency Department - Victoria Hospital Job ID 103661 Location London Health Sciences Centre Department Recruitment Services Posted Date 2024/12/12 Close Date 2024/12/25
- Job Title Registered Nurse - Apply here for all RN Opportunities @ LHSC! Job ID 103660 Location London Health Sciences Centre Department Recruitment Services Posted Date 2024/12/12 Close Date 2024/12/25
- Job Title Registered Nurse - Children's Care - Critical Care Transport Job ID 103664 Location Victoria Hospital Department Recruitment Services Posted Date 2024/12/12 Close Date 2024/12/25
- Job Title Registered Nurse - VH IP Critical Care Trauma Centre Job ID 103422 Location Multiple Department Recruitment Services Posted Date 2024/12/12 Close Date 2024/12/25
- Job Title Registered Practical Nurse - Apply here for all RPN Opportunities @ LHSC! Job ID 103665 Location London Health Sciences Centre Department Recruitment Services Posted Date 2024/12/12 Close Date 2024/12/25
- Job Title Registered Practical Nurse - Operating Rooms (University Hospital) Job ID 103666 Location Multiple Department Recruitment Services Posted Date 2024/12/12 Close Date 2024/12/25
- Job Title MSK Assessor - Regional MSK Initiative Job ID 103884 Location University Hospital Department Regional MSK Initiative Posted Date 2024/12/11 Close Date 2024/12/24
- Job Title Psychologist - General Posting Job ID 103872 Location London Health Sciences Centre Department Recruitment Services Posted Date 2024/12/10 Close Date 2024/12/23
- Job Title Temporary Psychologist - Ambulatory Child/Adolescent Mental Health Job ID 103727 Location London Health Sciences Centre Department Psychology Posted Date 2024/12/10 Close Date 2024/12/23
- Job Title Temporary Psychologist- Paed Chronic Pain Management Program, Children's Hospital Job ID 102674 Location Victoria Hospital Department Paeds Chronic Pain Mgmt Psych Posted Date 2024/12/10 Close Date 2024/12/23
- Job Title Interim Manager, Perioperative Clinical Operations - Victoria Hospital (18 months) Job ID 103986 Location Victoria Hospital Department Perioperative OR Mgmt Posted Date 2024/12/09 Close Date 2024/12/22
- Job Title Pre-Hospital Care Specialist - SWO Regional Base Hospital Job ID 103915 Location London Health Sciences Centre Department Regional Base Hospital Posted Date 2024/12/09 Close Date 2024/12/23
- Job Title Radiation Therapist - General Posting Job ID 103580 Location London Regional Cancer Program Department Recruitment Services Posted Date 2024/12/09 Close Date 2024/12/22
- Job Title Temporary Pre-Hospital Care Specialist - SWO Regional Base Hospital Job ID 103922 Location London Health Sciences Centre Department Regional Base Hospital Posted Date 2024/12/09 Close Date 2024/12/23
- Job Title Indigenous Navigator - Emergency Services UH Job ID 103833 Location University Hospital Department UH Emergency Department Posted Date 2024/12/07 Close Date 2024/12/20
- Job Title Pharmacist - Regular Part-Time Job ID 102151 Location London Health Sciences Centre Department Recruitment Services Posted Date 2024/12/07 Close Date 2024/12/20
- Job Title Temporary - Pharmacist - Clinical Pharmacists Job ID 102531 Location University Hospital Department Recruitment Services Posted Date 2024/12/07 Close Date 2024/12/20
- Job Title Temporary Cardiac Sonographer - VH Job ID 102303 Location Victoria Hospital Department VH Lab Echo Adult 2nd Flr Posted Date 2024/12/07 Close Date 2024/12/20
- Job Title Medical Laboratory Technologist - Clinical Microbiology Laboratory Job ID 103684 Location London Health Sciences Centre Department Recruitment Services Posted Date 2024/12/06 Close Date 2025/01/08
- Job Title Medical Laboratory Technologist - Cytogenetics Laboratory Job ID 103683 Location London Health Sciences Centre Department Recruitment Services Posted Date 2024/12/06 Close Date 2025/01/08
- Job Title Medical Laboratory Technologist - Molecular Genetics Laboratory Job ID 103686 Location London Health Sciences Centre Department Recruitment Services Posted Date 2024/12/06 Close Date 2025/01/08
- Job Title Medical Laboratory Technologist - PaLM Core Laboratory Job ID 103682 Location London Health Sciences Centre Department Recruitment Services Posted Date 2024/12/06 Close Date 2025/01/08
- Job Title Medical Laboratory Technologist - Surgical Pathology Job ID 103681 Location London Health Sciences Centre Department Recruitment Services Posted Date 2024/12/06 Close Date 2025/01/08
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Careers Victoria Hospital is a thriving community hospital in South Winnipeg that proudly provides a wide range of inpatient and outpatient services, including; family medicine, surgery, endoscopy, cardiology, gynecology and bariatric care. Our team of 1,200 dedicated and skilled health care professionals strives to provide these services with exceptional care, dignity and respect. At the […]
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Established in 1848, the RMH was Victoria's first public hospital and is currently one of the largest healthcare providers in Australia. About the RMH. ... Nursing careers. Nursing opportunities. Casual work. International recruitment and sponsorship opportunities. Nursing education.
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Search 164 Victoria Hospital Nursing jobs now available on Indeed.com, the world's largest job site.
Search Jobs. More Actions . Full/Part Time Status. Full/Part Time Status Full/Part Time Status. Yes No. Full-Time (42) ... Charge Nurse - Apply here for all Charge Nurse Opportunities @ LHSC! Job ID. 103668. Location. ... Victoria Hospital. Job ID. 103661. Location. London Health Sciences Centre. Department. Recruitment Services. Posted Date ...