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Extra Credit Assignment Ideas that Support Student Learning
Close to the end of the semester, you likely get requests from students to complete extra credit assignments. You might be looking for extra credit assignment ideas , or maybe you’re wondering if extra credit should be allowed in the first place. Maybe you find last-minute requests annoying – grading extra credit projects can be frustrating and confusing! In this blog post, I’ll share some reasons to consider extra credit in your classroom. It can be an enriching learning opportunity for your students. You’ll also receive some examples of extra credit assignments , along with some strategies to stay organized with extra credit assignments.
Is Extra Credit a Good Thing?
Not everyone agrees that students deserve extra credit. Many teachers believe in only assigning “regular” credit. Sometimes the top performers in our class request the opportunity to boost their grades. Oftentimes, students who have unfinished assignments or lower grades request extra credit too. Teachers who do not assign extra credit often decline these requests to emphasize the importance of turning in regular assignments on time .
Meanwhile, some teachers do not assign extra credit because their schools do not allow it. School-wide policies may not permit extra credit in order to promote equitable grading practices. Before you decide whether or not you will offer extra credit, be sure to check your school’s policy. If you are considering incorporating extra credit assignment ideas, make sure they align with your school’s guidelines and educational goals.
Equitable Extra Credit Policies
Another place to consult before assigning extra credit is with any staff that teaches the same course as you. If either one of you approaches extra credit differently, your students may interpret this as inequitable . One of the main reasons that teachers believe students do not deserve extra credit is that it is unethical. There are ways to ensure that extra credit is equitable, but you will need to ensure that your colleagues are in agreement .
Students deserve extra credit when it is an opportunity offered to everyone . To ensure that your policies are ethical and equitable, do not assign extra credit on a case-by-case basis. This does not mean that everyone needs to complete an extra credit assignment. This also does not mean that every extra credit assignment needs to be the same. Equity is about access . Case-by-case simply implies that you should not approve extra credit for one student and deny it for another – unless there is a valid reason to do so.
Whether you believe students deserve extra credit or not, be sure to include your policy in your syllabus . If you allow extra credit, you may also wish to note your requirements. For inspiration, consider using some extra credit assignment ideas from Mondays Made Easy which includes an Extra Credit Application with our Editable Full Course Syllabus Template .
Why Should Teachers Give Extra Credit?
Teachers should give extra credit if they support differentiation for students. When implemented properly, extra credit assignments can be a fantastic way to differentiate for different learner profiles. Many teachers hold the belief that a student’s grade in a course should reflect their understanding of the curriculum. In an equitable setting, there should be several opportunities to demonstrate that understanding.
There are multiple reasons why a student may perform poorly on an assessment. There are also multiple factors that may prevent students from being present in class or turning in work on time. Extra credit assignments, when assigned to correlate with your curriculum requirements and course expectations, provide students with another opportunity to meet course standards .
This is especially true if the extra credit is able to assess learning goals while catering to different learning styles . I saw a great example the other day of a student who baked a literal cake of symbolic elements from The Great Gatsby. Their write-up described the literary elements in the novel in relation to the cake: from rum-flavored icing to pearl necklace piping, this culinary creation fused course requirements with the student’s passion!
Tips for Assigning Extra Credit
One reason why teachers hate extra credit is that it can be a real headache! Keeping track of extra credit assignments and due dates requires additional effort on our part. On top of that, grading additional assignments around report card time is stressful. Thankfully, these hardships are minimized with a simple system in place.
Mondays Made Easy’s FREE Extra Credit Application is a great tool to help you keep track of extra credit assignments and requests. Students typically ask for extra credit in person; an application provides a paper trail for these conversations. Additionally, an application provides space to note assignment instructions and due dates – if your students are anything like mine, they might need a reminder about these details.
Extra credit applications can also double as a metacognitive reflection tool . I often have students explain why they need the extra credit in the first place. This provides them the opportunity to reflect on their performance and participation in the course. If the same student repeatedly asks for extra credit in your class, it can also be useful to have a record of each request . This can provide you both with documentation to discuss the student’s habits and performance.
A final reason why I love using extra credit applications is that they encourage students to be proactive . I introduce my extra credit application with my syllabus at the start of the course. I notify students that I require extra credit applications to be submitted three weeks before report cards. This sets the expectation that extra credit requests should not be made last minute. I also schedule assignments to be turned in before grades are finalized. This eliminates any last-minute grading .
Extra Credit Assignment Ideas for English Class
To simplify extra credit assignment ideas, you can adopt the popular approach of offering an assignment re-do to students. This is the easiest way to avoid additional grading while accommodating extra credit requests.
Another approach to extra credit that requires very little assessment is to implement a pass system . At the start of the semester, you can provide each student with a number of passes. For example, each student might receive three hallway passes and one late pass. In order to receive extra credit, students must have all of their passes remaining at the end of the semester. If your school policy allows, you can give students bonus points for simply showing up to class on time and avoiding hallway distractions.
For novel studies , you can offer students the opportunity to create a movie trailer. This example for an extra credit assignment idea requires a bit of effort, but it is a great alternative assessment for older students . A movie trailer will prompt students to avoid simple plot summaries and establish characterization and theme. To facilitate this assignment, Mondays Made Easy offers a Movie Trailer Project Outline and Rubric .
If your students have written research essays , you can offer them the opportunity to turn their work into a “ real-world resource .” A “real-world resource” is any type of media or document that delivers students’ research to the general public. This example of an extra credit assignment is a great opportunity for differentiation because it allows students to be creative and select any medium they like. Mondays Made Easy also offers a Real-World Resource Assignment Outline and Rubric .
Aligning Extra Credit Assignment Ideas with Your Curriculum
When it comes to selecting an extra credit assignment idea, the most important consideration should be how the assignment aligns with your curriculum. If you’re not sure what to assign for extra credit, one option could be to review the student’s performance . If they scored low on a particular assessment, it would make sense to opt for an assignment that covers similar curriculum strands .
For example, the Common Core State Standards require students to “write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence” ( English Language Arts Standards – Writing – Grade 9-10 ). If your student requesting extra credit scored lowest on an assessment for this strand, it would not be best practice to assess an argumentative writing assignment.
Mondays Made Easy’s Extra Credit Application prompts students to reflect on their performance in your course. It also offers them the opportunity to suggest extra credit assignment ideas . Oftentimes, students are able to recommend an assignment idea that evaluates similar skills to those that were evaluated poorly on a previous assessment. If their recommendation doesn’t align, you can facilitate a conversation to guide them in the right direction. This is a great way to implement differentiation and student choice . It also enables you to incorporate your students’ examples of extra credit assignments into your curriculum. Students have great ideas, and I’ve benefitted from reusing their suggestions with future classes!
Extra Credit Assignment Ideas: Important Takeaways
Assigning extra credit remains a matter of personal preference. You know what works best for your students, and your professional discretion will best determine whether or not extra credit is an opportunity that they need. As mentioned, it is best to check if your approach aligns with your school policy and your colleagues’ practices. If you do decide to offer your students extra credit assignments , I hope that the extra credit assignment ideas and suggestions in this blog post support you in your efforts!
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5 Extra Credit Activities That Promote Engaged Learning
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The end of the semester is approaching quickly. Only two more weeks of coursework before finals week arrives. At this point of the semester, it’s not uncommon to receive requests for extra credit opportunities. I’ve never received an extra credit request from a student, though, because I build in multiple opportunities into the semester. There’s a lot of debate over whether extra credit should be an option in the classroom. Personally, I believe that if students are willing to put in extra effort to complete additional work, then they should have that opportunity. I’m more than willing to allow students to increase their project grades by a few points by completing additional activities that require students to deepen their understanding and abilities to apply what they’ve learned. Here are five forms of extra credit activities I offer in my various courses. [ A video version of this information is included at the end of this post, too!]
Responses to Classmates’ Work
In my literature courses , my students are required to complete 3-5 literary analysis discussion posts throughout the semester. They post them using our LMS forums tool. The forums are set to not allow students to read earlier posts in a specific forum until they themselves have submitted a post. At that point, the rest of the posts are revealed and they are free to reply to them. Once the deadline for a post passes, I change the setting so that all students can see the posts even if they did not complete one. Students have at least double the number of possible forums to post to than required of them, so they can pick which required texts they are most interested in analyzing before they are discussed in class.
As this is a digital assignment that all students easily have access to via our course website, I always include an extra credit opportunity at the end of the assignment sheet. Students were required to complete 3 posts in this semester’s ENG170 . The assignment equates to 15% of the student’s course grade. With this grade dynamic in mind, my students could receive up to 10 points extra credit on individual posts by completing the activity below. The language that follows is copied directly from my assignment sheet:
Extra Credit: Up to 10 points total
- Additional quote(s) and analysis that support their points
- Additional analysis of the quote(s) they used that further support their points
- Quote(s) and analysis that can counter their points
- Additional analysis of the quote(s) they used that counter their points
- A discussion of why their points/arguments are significant
- There is no word requirement for these comments. The detail you put into them and/or the points you make in them will equate to the amount of points you receive for each comment. Once you receive 10 points total, you will not be able to receive more of this extra credit, though additional comments can help with your participation grade in a manner similar to the Discussion Addition forums.
Very few students tend to take advantage of this extra credit opportunity, but I offer it every time I use this assignment. The students aren’t required to reply to classmates who submitted a post to the same forums they did. So, while a student might not have written a post about El Deafo , this extra credit activity gives them the chance to earn points by thinking further on a text that they originally passed on analyzing in written form. If they do respond to a post from a forum they chose earlier in the semester, then they’ve chosen to approach a text they’ve analyzed from an angle they might not have thought about on their own. In either case, students gain more literary analysis writing skills and work on rhetorically responding to someone else’s analysis rather than just always writing their own without any concern to the complications of collaborative writing.
Creative Project
This extra credit activity is posted during Week 1, but it’s not due until the last day of class. In contrast to the activity above, this project is not attached to any one assignment. For my children’s literature courses, this activity takes on the form of creating a picture book or first chapter of a graphic novel. In my YA literature course , they have the option of writing a piece of fanfiction based on one of our required texts. Here’s the assignment from my ENG170 course:
Step 1: Create a picture book or graphic novel chapter
You can work with one partner or by yourself. The picture book should be at least 14 pages long; the graphic novel at least 8 pages in length. The picture book can be a narrative or concept book. Your intended audience should be children, though you can pick any age group. It should be designed to look like a picture book or graphic novel (front cover to back cover, not just the story).
Step 2: Write a Reflection
Write a short reflection (400 words or more). In it, discuss topics like how you came up with the idea for your book, why you decided to create this idea, why you designed the book the way you did (colors, shape, materials, etc.), what message(s) you want (or don’t want) your reader to get from the book, etc. Submit this reflection into the “Extra Credit Project” assignment link. If you work with a partner, each of you must write a reflection.
This project is much more popular with my students. Most complete the project without a partner, but I’ve seen some amazing writer and illustrator pairs. Most tend to create a narrative picture book. Graphic novel chapters are very rare. Students can earn up to 5 points extra credit on an exam by completing this activity, depending on the detail of their reflection and effort in creating their children’s text. We spend so much time analyzing the content and design of visual texts. This activity allows students to learn first hand just how hard creating these texts can be. Putting in the effort to experience this creative process and reflect on it is worth adding a few points to an exam that they might have struggled with because of how much information is included in this prerequisite course.
Digital Project
A new extra credit activity I offered this semester is the “class blog” project. Our LMS has a blog tool that allows students to construct a collaborative blog on our class website (so there is no need to grapple with creating their own blog or posting to the online public). So far, no student has posted to the blog. But, they have three more weeks to post. Here’s the assignment description I created for my students:
You can blog about anything related to children’s literature/media and culture. There is no word requirement for these blog posts. You can post as many as you want and include as much detail as you want. The more detail/depth you include in the posts, the more points you will earn. Just make sure it’s your own writing, and if you cite someone else in your posts, make sure to credit them. Once you receive the 5 points available for this extra credit, additional posts can function similarly to the discussion addition forum posts in regard to improving your participation grade. Here are some ideas for what you can blog about, though you might come up with other ideas:
- Children’s literature book reviews
- Children’s movie reviews
- Children’s app reviews
- Your thoughts/opinions about something going on in the media that connects to children’s texts or children in general
- Your experiences reading to children at a library or at home
- Your childhood memories of reading/watching one of the texts we’re reading for class
- Your ideas for how you’d teach a children’s text in your future classrooms
You can also reply to others’ blog posts. It’ll likely be harder to earn the same amount of points in comparison to creating your own, but replying is an option for anyone who doesn’t feel comfortable creating their own posts. If your post inspires a lot of comments, this community response can also increase the amount of points you earn for that post.
Like the creative project, students can earn up to five points extra credit on an exam by completing this activity. In adding this activity, my hope was to inspire students to connect our class to the world outside the classroom. I consider what I teach to be incredibly relevant to my students’ lives outside the classroom. Getting students to have that same belief can be difficult, so I created this extra credit opportunity so that students would have reason to put in extra effort to make these connections. I’m curious to see if any student will do so in the coming weeks.
Event Attendance and “Takeaways” Response
ISU’s English department hosts the Lois Lenski Lecture every spring semester. We invite a children’s and/or young adult literature scholar to speak at our campus and host a Q&A session after their talk. I’ve learned so much from these presentations, and always mention them to my children’s and ya literature students. I also offer extra credit if they attend the event and write up a “takeaways response” to it that night. They submit them digitally by midnight, or just turn it in physically at the lecture.
This semester, my students have the option of exploring a children’s literature display at our university library. A special collections display was created by students in a graduate course. If my students explore it and write up a response to it, they can receive a few extra credit points were they most need it (up to 3, depending on the detail in their response). They had two weeks to complete this activity. Fewer than a handful did so. This activity and other events are great for helping students see how others outside the classroom study and use children’s and YA literature. Note: The takeaways can’t just be regurgitated facts. Students have to reflect and metacognitively respond to what they’ve heard/seen during the event.
Aesthetic Additions
I include this option when students complete a highly visual project. For the picture book festival activity I’ve used in past ENG170 sections, students could increase their poster grade by up to five points depending on the effort they put into designing their posters. All students were automatically eligible for earning these points. Students could earn a high grade as long as they included all the required material on their poster. But, if their posters’ design aesthetic was well thought out, extra credit points could be earned. Some students focused on emphasizing the content of their text (crafting a tree on a The Giving Tree poster), while others focused on the medium (designing their poster as a TV screen when analyzing Gilmore Girls ). Most students tend to receive only a point or two for this extra credit opportunity, but I’ve been amazed by the thought and effort put into a few poster designs over the years. It livens up my grading experience at the end of the semester too, which is always welcome.
Final Thoughts
Of the five activities listed above, four were options in this semester’s ENG 170 course. Giving my students the chance to earn up to 23 extra credit points likely seems excessive to some of you reading this post. Here are a few points I’d like for you to keep in mind, especially if you’re considering what extra credit activities you might want to offer next semester: 1. In a 30 student course, usually less than half the students will attempt even one of the extra credit options. 2. Less than a third will attempt more than one option, and they are often the ones that don’t even need extra credit. 3. It’s rare for a student to earn the max number of points for any of the activities because of how much extra effort and work I expect from them in order to gain these points. 4. The only activity that creates the opportunity to gain 10 points is the forum posts extra credit. These points are added to individual posts rather than to the activity grade as a whole. In this specific case, one post equates to just 5% of their overall course grade. 5. If students are willing to put in the extra time and effort, and the activities actually require them to learn something, why not offer them the opportunity for engaging in additional ways with the course material?
I’ve never regretted including extra credit options in my courses. Few students take me up on my offers, and a bump up in their overall grade definitely isn’t guaranteed. But, by having these activities in my course design, I’m making clear to my students that hard work will be rewarded and that doing poorly on one assignment doesn’t mean they’ve done irrevocable damage to their course grade > GPA > financial aid/grad applications. Even one offer of extra credit can demonstrate to students that we as instructors understand that sometimes they need an extra chance to show their willingness to put in the effort to learn and grow. Why not give them that chance?
>>If you’d like to download a PDF that lists the various extra credit activities described above (and a few other activity ideas!), just subscribe to my blog. You’ll receive access to all my blog-related PDFs and will receive an email every time a new blog post goes up!<<
Do you include extra credit opportunities in your courses? If so, share what activities you offer in the comments section below!
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February 18, 2020 at 4:15 PM
Awesome suggestions!
February 20, 2020 at 2:20 PM
I’m glad you like them!
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Extra Credit: To Give or Not to Give – That is the Question
By Michelle Read, Ph.D.; Katherine Fugate, Ph.D.
Snapshot: This article discusses the pros and cons of utilizing extra credit with your students. Both authors have utilized extra credit in the courses they teach. Moreover, the article presents various ways to add extra credit points in the Canvas LMS.
There are a variety of reasons why one might want to assign extra credit for students. However, the use of extra credit in higher education has been a topic of debate for decades.
InsideHigherEd.com ran two articles on this topic, each expressing opposing views on the matter.
Interestingly, the sociology professor used to feel the same way as the English professor until she designed an extra credit assignment that not only complemented the course goals, but, as she said, “enriched” student learning with very current, relevant events which required not only attendance but also reflection in order to earn the optional extra points. These types of extra credit options do not serve to replace an assignment or assignments, instead they allow for additional learning opportunities. While the English professor acknowledges the reality of students’ lives, he does not, however, allow these realities to impact his instructional practices. It is important to recognize and address that in this past year of COVID, educators have hopefully learned how valuable and necessary flexibility in due dates can be. Opportunities for students to maintain their typical average-to-above-average grades via extra credit assignments can be vital to student success and overall morale during turbulent times, such as a pandemic or personal tragedy in the individual’s life. Often times, flexibility in due dates also provide benefit to instructors. Just because one is an instructor, this title does not preclude them from contending with these same realities of life. Sometimes the need for extra credit is not to pass the course due to missed assignments, but augment low scores on the assignments. It is also important to note, that students may simply be trying to boost their totals to the next grade level to improve their GPA or to meet their major’s program requirements. The option to take advantage of extra credit opportunities is the student’s; the job of the instructor is to make any extra credit opportunities relevant, meaningful, and aligned to course goals and objectives.
In 1993, Norcross et al., conducted a study interviewing instructors to determine why they would or would not offer extra credit. Reasons for offering extra credit included the following:
- Reduces student anxiety and builds confidence.
- Extra credit can be a second opportunity to learn the content.
- Some need a second time to learn and engage with the content in order to master the material.
- Capitalize on the student’s current degree of motivation. In doing the extra credit, they will learn.
There were also valid reasons noted for not providing opportunities to earn extra credit:
- Reinforces tendencies to not work hard if students know extra credit is an option.
- Time spent on extra credit means less time spent on regular assignments.
- If too easy to complete, extra credit reduces course academic standards and rigor.
- It’s unfair to those who did the assignments and did well.
- More work on the instructors’ part to create and/or grade extra credit assignments.
It is easy to see that the arguments from each of these professors correlate with what faculty have been debating for years. The sociology professor expands on these benefits by making her extra credit possibilities available for everyone and designs them to be specifically relevant to the content as an optional extension of, as opposed to a substitute to, what is already provided to students for understanding the content.
What constitutes a “good” extra credit assignment?
As with whether or not to allow extra credit is considered good practice, the opinions on what types of extra credit are valuable is also debatable. The following list are some suggestions gathered from various resources, my own experiences, and from my work with faculty in designing their online/hybrid courses:
- Add opportunities to earn “professional” points when replying to peers’ initial discussion responses. Often, we do not give students any direction in how to do that. Guidance is helpful and will get you more than “Atta boy” from peers. You can ask repliers to make connections that require higher order thinking skills by asking questions or analyzing the content and critiquing it, while also making it necessary to provide additional resources that support or refute their claims, etc. As an instructor, I provide professional points for extra replies, extra resources, going back and answering questions posed to the original posters by their peers, etc. I try to promote ongoing discussions, furthering the goal of having enriching and meaningful learning opportunities.
- Adding extensions to assignments may come across as more work, and it is, but it is meaningful, relevant work and provides the opportunities to make up for points lost from their original submission.
- Provide additional, optional creative assignments. For example, I offer my students an extra credit assignment in which they create a video that offers advice to students who come after them. My students are often in their graduating semester, so the advice is for the next group of graduating seniors and advises them on various aspects of life after graduation.
- Optional blog assignments. Have students reflect and write about topics from your class.
- Suggest students attend events related to the course content. For example, when I was an undergrad (here at Texas State), my music theory professor had us attend a symphony to earn extra credit. I don’t recall him having us write a reflection, as the sociology teacher above did, but it would’ve been a good idea. “Did you like the symphony, why or why not?” would be a great starting point. You can add specific questions to prompt their reflection that tie into your course objectives.
- Extra creativity points. Allow for extra credit points on any creative assignment. Often students will do the bare minimum to make their project look good, but they’ll likely do more if they know you’re looking to provide points for extra appeal, wow factor, etc.
- Revise and explain. When a student does poorly on an assignment or exam, give them the opportunity to revise or correct and then explain their change in answers. If they were provided answers on the test, have them prepare a presentation and/or video that teaches the concept to earn back points.
- Video-record a science experiment. If you teach science or other subjects with demonstrations and don’t normally have students record themselves doing an experiment or demonstrating an activity, consider having them record themselves doing one for extra credit. They could do this by screen-recording if it is an activity completed on the computer or use their phones or use other recording devices.
- Book reports. An oldy, but a goody, often used in K-12, can work in higher education as well. You could also give the students options such as doing one as a paper, as a presentation/video, etc.
- Service work. Allow students to volunteer. The volunteer work should be something that would apply concepts learned in class or at least the opportunity to observe the concept’s application.
- To ensure rigor particularly for upper division or graduate courses, have students take the concepts and topics and explain/teach them for a layperson, someone who has not studied the discipline. This could be done via presentations, and/or videos. You could even tie in the points to how well received the project was by recipients via a satisfaction poll or have them create quiz questions. The latter of course, would require that someone volunteer to be the audience.
- In addition, for upper division or graduate students, have students do a case study analyzing a provided case that is relevant to their profession. For example, have an education student in a class management course analyze a video-based case study looking for specific events, such as poor behavior, not noticed by the teacher.
You may have noticed that any one of these examples, would actually serve as really great assignments too. Does it require extra work on your part as well? Probably. Grading is always going to take your time. Only you as the instructor can decide if doing so is worth your time and is providing meaningful learning experiences for your student(s) who need that extra support.
Ways to add extra credit using the Canvas LMS system
For specific instructions on how to add extra credit points in Canvas, please see the instructions here , which can also be downloaded.
Cohan, D. (2018). Extra, extra, read all about it: To offer extra credit or not to offer extra credit?. Inside Higher Ed . Retrieved from: https://www.insidehighered.com/advice/2018/01/16/professor-explains-why-she-offers-extra-credit-her-classes-opinion
Norcross, J.C. , Dooley, H.S. and Stevenson, J.F. (1993). Faculty use and justification of extra credit: No middle ground? Teaching of Psychology , Vol. 20, No. 4: 240-242.
Stauffer, W. (2019). Extra credit is not really extra. Inside Higher Ed . Retrieved from: https://www.insidehighered.com/views/2019/01/16/professor-explains-why-he-doesnt-offer-extra-credit-his-students-opinion
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Why and How to Give Extra Credit
Granting extra credit opportunities can be controversial. Despite studies showing that students typically have positive feelings toward instructors who allow for extra credit opportunities (Myers & Hatchel, 2019), instructors have an understandable list of concerns about the practice (Cohan, 2018; Dunn & Halonen, 2019). This piece presents some common pros and cons around extra credit and items to consider when implementing extra credit.
Pros and Cons
Some common objections to granting extra credit include the following:
- Extra credit is seen as a high school practice, at odds with the rigor expected of higher education.
- Extra credit contributes to grade inflation.
- Extra credit places unfair or unnecessary demands on instructors, who are already stretched grading required assessments.
- Extra credit decreases student motivation, allowing students to “make up” for substandard performance or work on required assessments.
Sound principles underlie these objections, whether instructors decide to provide extra credit opportunities or not. For example, some students hope extra credit will dramatically affect their course grades, which, paired with the often “last minute” nature of many extra credit requests, can create awkward or unpleasant situations for instructors. Instructors justifiably believe that the onus of their responsibility to students should revolve around the dissemination and evaluation of course materials and assessments.
Nevertheless, by shifting the language around extra credit, it is also understandable why some instructors have enthusiastically embraced the practice, some even going so far as to call it “extra enrichment“ (Cohan, 2018). Combined with research that shows it is typically high-achieving students who complete extra credit opportunities anyway (Cohan, 2018; Myers & Hatchel, 2019), instructors can devise a list of good reasons to offer extra credit opportunities.
Some benefits of granting extra credit could include the following:
- Extra credit can reinforce learning and connect additional activities to course content and objectives (Dunn & Halonen, 2019; Goldina et al., 2020).
- Extra credit can reinforce lifelong learning, lead students to discover new events and communities, and serve as a platform for students to apply the course content to their own lives (Cohan, 2018; Dunn & Halonen, 2019; Goldina et al., 2020).
- Extra credit can motivate students to keep improving in real-time, in addition to helping them in “borderline” cases (Dunn & Halonen, 2019).
- Extra credit can “serve as a low-stakes means for students to gain additional confidence with course-related material” (Myers & Hatchel, 2019, p. 6).
Considering these pros and cons, how can instructors gain the advantages of extra credit opportunities without the potential downsides?
Keep the following considerations in mind while instituting an extra credit policy in your course:
Require active participation. More than “showing up” should be required (Cohan, 2018; Dunn & Halonen, 2019). Activities (papers, reflections, etc.) should be assigned to students beyond mere participation in an extra credit activity.
Make it relevant. Extra credit assignments or activities should connect directly to course materials and objectives (Dunn & Halonen, 2019).
Limit the impact. Extra credit should not dramatically affect a student’s grade. Extra credit may occasionally help students in borderline cases (e.g., moving from a B+ to an A-), but students should not be negatively incentivized to skip or produce substandard work with the understanding that extra credit might “save” their grade (e.g., moving from a C- to an A).
Manage expectations. Extra credit opportunities should be clearly defined in the syllabus, with firm dates (Dunn & Halonen, 2019; Goldina et al., 2020). Last-minute requests for grade-saving extra credit can be awkward and bothersome for instructors. Therefore, by clearly defining the extra credit assignments and activities with firm due dates, instructors can free themselves from the pressure of capitulating to student requests that would require ad hoc or last-minute opportunities.
Explore different learning levels. Consider structuring extra credit opportunities on a different learning “level” than other course assessments. For example, if a course requires mostly remembering facts or formulas to complete assignments, consider making extra credit opportunities “creative” to really expand student learning and not simply provide grade cushioning (Goldina et al., 2020).
Granting Extra Credit in Canvas
If you decide to offer extra credit opportunities, in light of the information above, then the guide “ How do I give extra credit in a course? ” will walk you through the process of implementing extra credit opportunities in Canvas. In this article, Canvas offers many ways to provide extra credit. Historically, we have often recommended the first option, “Create New Assignment With Zero Point Value,” as an intuitive and dependable strategy for meeting most extra credit needs.
Cohan, D. J. (2018, January 15). A professor explains why she offers extra credit in her classes (opinion) . Inside Higher Ed.
Dunn, D. S., & Halonen, J. S. (2019, April 3). The extra-credit question: Should you offer it or resist? The Chronicle of Higher Education .
Goldina, A., Licona, P., & Ricci, P. L. (2020). Creating extra credit assignments that challenge, inspire, and empower students. HAPS Educator , Special Conference Edition, 86–89.
Myers, C. A., & Hatchel, J. M. (2019). Personality and cognitive factors related to completing extra credit assignments. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning , 13 (2), Article 7.
Ask a Professor: Is There Extra Credit in College?
- Many college professors offer extra credit to help students boost their grades.
- Extra credit can come in several forms, such as additional test questions and assignments.
- While some professors avoid extra credit, it’s worth asking about extra credit policies.
College students love extra credit. As a history professor, I learned this firsthand. From my first semester teaching, students asked about extra credit.
So, my second year, I started adding an extra credit question to my final exams. The final always ended with the same question: What was the most memorable thing you learned in this class? Students loved it — it was an easy way to get points! — and I loved grading it.
But most college exams don’t include extra credit questions. So how can you get extra credit in college?
Is There Extra Credit in College?
First things first, can you even earn extra credit in college? Yes, you can — but it depends on your professor.
Some professors offer regular extra credit questions on exams. They might also list extra credit assignments in the syllabus. Other professors never offer extra credit.
Since professors decide whether to provide extra credit, the ways you can earn it depend on your class. In an art history class, for example, visiting the campus museum might earn you extra credit. Other types of extra credit include attending a department-sponsored lecture, taking on a creative project related to class, or completing an extra lab assignment.
How does extra credit work? Students complete the extra credit question or assignment and submit it to their instructor. The extra credit, usually worth a set number of points, counts toward the student’s grade.
On an exam, extra credit questions can boost your final grade . Take an exam worth 20 points. A 2-point extra credit question would make up for a wrong answer or two.
General extra credit assignments may count toward participation or the student’s overall grade, depending on the class. Keep in mind that extra credit is always optional — students can decide to go for extra points or pass on the opportunity.
Still, some professors intentionally avoid extra credit. Instructors might worry that extra credit inflates grades or incentivizes students to study less. It also requires extra grading from the professor.
So what does all of this mean for students? If your professor doesn’t mention extra credit in the syllabus, you can always ask for extra credit opportunities. Just be prepared to hear no.
How to Ask for Extra Credit in College: 4 Methods
If your class syllabus doesn’t list a clear policy on extra credit, feel free to ask about opportunities to boost your grade. Here are some of the best ways to ask your professor for extra credit.
1. Reach Out Early
There’s one wrong way to ask for extra credit in college, and that’s after the final exam . Every semester, I received an email after the final asking about extra credit. Sometimes the email appeared after I’d already submitted final grades.
Rather than waiting until the last minute, reach out to your professor early. A simple email or question after class works: “Do you offer any extra credit opportunities?”
2. Go to Office Hours
You can also visit office hours to discuss extra credit with your professor. The same advice applies. Simply ask if they offer extra credit and accept their answer.
If your professor doesn’t offer extra credit and you’re worried about your grade, ask for advice for any upcoming tests or assignments. Your professor’s guidance on how to improve your grade can be worth more than extra credit.
3. Suggest a Specific Assignment
Is there an upcoming exhibit related to your anthropology class? Or did you blog about a current event covered in your political science class?
Bring a specific extra credit assignment to your professor or ask if showing up at the chair’s lecture mentioned in class might be worth extra credit. Some instructors also let students redo test questions or rewrite papers to raise their grade.
4. Take No for an Answer
Some professors maintain a strict “no extra credit” policy. Others will not offer extra credit to one student without making the option available to everyone else in the class. If your instructor says no for any reason, accept their answer and move on.
The Limitations of Extra Credit in College
As a professor, I offered extra credit on exams. Students also earned extra credit for attending the history department’s annual lecture or the first honor society meeting of the year. In my classes, extra credit either went directly toward the exam score or counted toward participation.
However, there are limits to extra credit, even in classes that offer it. In my experience, extra credit never made the difference between passing and failing — and it rarely changed a student’s final grade.
Extra credit has its uses. It can get students engaged in the material outside class and encourage them to think broadly about a subject. But it also has its limits. In the end, students shouldn’t count on extra credit to outweigh their other grades.
Frequently Asked Questions About Extra Credit in College
What is extra credit.
Extra credit is an optional way to earn more points in a class, potentially raising your grade. In college, instructors may offer extra credit questions on exams or give students credit for work they do outside class.
Common forms of extra credit include creative assignments related to the material, enrichment activities like attending lectures, and allowing students to redo wrong answers. The extra points you gain with extra credit may ultimately boost your class grade.
Is there extra credit in college?
Students can earn extra credit in college, but each professor sets their own policy on extra credit. While many professors offer extra credit opportunities, some do not. Ask your instructor whether they offer extra credit, ideally at the beginning of the term. If they do, find out how they calculate extra credit into final grades.
How does extra credit work?
The points from an extra credit question or assignment add to your final grade in that class. Each professor measures extra credit differently, however. They may add a question worth a certain amount of points to an exam, or they might add extra points to the student’s participation grade.
Ask your professor how they calculate extra credit in their class.
How Does Extra Credit Work? Understanding Types, Benefits, and Calculations
Did you know that over 80% of students are unsure about how extra credit works? If you’re one of them, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. Understanding how extra credit functions can be a game-changer when it comes to boosting your grades and overall academic performance. From quizzes and the gradebook to college articles, we’ll equip you with the knowledge you need to navigate the world of bonus points.
Key Takeaways
- Understanding how extra credit works can help students make the most of this opportunity to improve their grades.
- Different types of extra credit, such as assignments or participation points, provide various ways for students to earn additional points.
- When adding extra credit, it is important for teachers to clearly communicate the requirements and expectations to ensure fairness.
- Teachers should carefully manage extra credit to maintain a balanced grading system and prevent it from overshadowing regular assignments.
- Calculating extra credit involves determining the weightage and impact it will have on the overall grade.
- Extra credit can benefit students by boosting their grades, providing second chances, and fostering a growth mindset.
- However, it is important to be aware of the potential drawbacks of extra credit, such as creating an unfair advantage or diminishing the value of regular assignments.
- Real-world examples and anecdotes can illustrate how extra credit has been implemented effectively in different educational settings.
Understanding Extra Credit
Basic principles.
Extra credit is a concept commonly used in academic settings to provide students with additional opportunities to improve their grades. It is a way for teachers to offer incentives for going above and beyond the regular coursework. The purpose of offering extra credit is to encourage students to further engage with the material, demonstrate a deeper understanding, and take initiative in their learning, which can positively impact their course grade and cumulative grade.
When it comes to implementing extra credit in the gradebook, there are general guidelines that teachers follow to affect the course grade, assignment type grade, and cumulative grade. They may provide optional assignments or projects that allow students to explore topics of interest or showcase their creativity. These assignments are usually designed to be challenging but attainable, providing an opportunity for students to push themselves academically.
Academic Settings
In academic settings, extra credit is often used as a means of rewarding exceptional effort or performance. Professors in a class have the discretion to decide on the types of extra credit opportunities available to their students, including the sum and items. This can include activities such as participating in class discussions, attending educational events, conducting independent research, or completing additional assignments.
The availability and nature of extra credit opportunities may vary from course to course and even between different teachers within the same institution. Some teachers may offer extra credit throughout the semester, while others may limit it to specific times or circumstances. Ultimately, it is up to the teacher to determine how much weight extra credit carries in relation to other graded assignments in the class.
Grading Impact
The incorporation of extra credit into grading systems can have both benefits and drawbacks. On one hand, it allows students who excel in certain areas or have a particular interest in a subject to showcase their abilities and potentially improve their overall grade. It also provides an opportunity for students who may have struggled with previous assignments to sum up for any shortcomings.
However, it is important for teachers to maintain fairness when applying extra credit to any assignment type. While it can be a valuable tool for motivating students and recognizing exceptional effort, it should not disproportionately impact final grades or create an unfair advantage for some students over others. Teachers must carefully consider the weight and impact of extra credit assignments to ensure that grading remains consistent and equitable for all students.
Types of Extra Credit
Assignment points.
Extra credit points are a valuable tool that teachers use to encourage students to go above and beyond in their assignments. These additional points can make a difference in a student’s overall grade, providing them with an opportunity to boost their academic standing.
When it comes to assigning extra credit points, teachers typically have specific criteria in mind. They may choose to assign extra credit for completing optional assignments or for achieving exceptional performance on regular assignments. For example, a teacher might offer extra credit for participating in a class discussion or completing an additional research project.
The value of these extra credit assignments can vary depending on the teacher’s discretion. Some teachers may assign a fixed number of points for each extra credit assignment, while others may base the value on the difficulty or complexity of the task. For instance, a teacher might award five points for a short essay assignment and ten points for a more comprehensive research paper.
Percentage Points
Understanding how extra credit points translate into percentage points is essential for students who want to gauge their progress and determine how it impacts their final grades. In most cases, the total number of percentage points available is predetermined by the teacher based on the overall grading system.
Percentage points play a crucial role in determining final grades because they contribute directly to a student’s overall score. The more extra credit points earned, the higher the percentage will be and thus positively impact the final grade. To calculate percentage points based on extra credit, students can use a simple formula: divide the total number of extra credit points earned by the total possible extra credit points and multiply by 100.
Adding Extra Credit
To assignments.
When it comes to adding extra credit points, instructors typically integrate them into regular assignments. This allows students to earn additional points while completing their standard coursework. Extra credit items are usually optional and provide an opportunity for students to challenge themselves or delve deeper into a topic.
To effectively complete extra credit assignments, students should pay attention to the instructions provided by their instructors. These instructions may include specific requirements, deadlines, or guidelines for submission. It is important for students to carefully read and understand these instructions to ensure that they meet all the necessary criteria.
Integrating extra credit work with standard assignments can vary depending on the instructor’s preferences. Some instructors may assign separate extra credit tasks alongside regular assignments, while others may offer additional credit opportunities within existing assignments. For example, an instructor might add a bonus question at the end of a quiz or include an optional research component in a project.
By taking advantage of these opportunities, students can not only boost their grades but also deepen their understanding of the subject matter. However, it is essential for students to manage their time effectively and prioritize their regular assignments before tackling any extra credit work.
In Gradebook
Once extra credit points are earned, they are recorded in the gradebook system. The visibility of these points can vary depending on how the instructor has set up the grading system. In some cases, instructors may choose to display extra credit points separately from regular assignment scores. This allows students to see their progress in both categories and understand how much additional credit they have earned.
Organizing extra credit points within the gradebook system helps both students and instructors keep track of their academic progress accurately. By having a clear record of earned extra credit points, students can better understand how these points contribute to their overall grade.
Instructors may also use different symbols or indicators to distinguish between regular assignment scores and extra credit points in the gradebook. This helps avoid confusion and ensures that students can easily identify their extra credit achievements.
Managing Extra Credit
Setting details.
To effectively manage extra credit options in grading systems, it is important to understand the technical aspects of setting them up. Most learning management systems provide customization features that allow instructors to tailor extra credit parameters to their specific needs. These parameters may include the maximum number of extra credit points available, the types of assignments or activities that qualify for extra credit, and how those points will be weighted in the overall grading scheme.
Configuring extra credit settings typically involves accessing the gradebook or grading settings within the learning management system. Instructors can create separate categories for extra credit assignments, assign point values to those assignments, and determine how those points will be factored into students’ final grades. It is also possible to set prerequisites or conditions that must be met before students can earn extra credit.
To set up extra credit options, instructors can follow these step-by-step instructions:
- Access the gradebook or grading settings in your learning management system.
- Create a new category specifically for extra credit assignments.
- Assign point values to each extra credit assignment.
- Determine how those points will be weighted in the overall grading scheme.
- Set any prerequisites or conditions for earning extra credit.
- Communicate the availability and requirements of extra credit opportunities to your students.
By customizing these settings, instructors can effectively manage and track additional opportunities for students to earn extra credit throughout the academic term.
Adjusting Settings
Flexibility is a key aspect of managing extra credit options. Instructors may need to adjust the settings during the academic term based on various factors such as student performance, curriculum changes, or unforeseen circumstances.
For example, if a particular assignment proves to be more challenging than anticipated and many students struggle with it, an instructor may decide to offer additional opportunities for extra credit to help boost their grades. On the other hand, if students excel in a certain area of the curriculum, the instructor may choose to adjust the weightage of extra credit points for that specific category.
Instructors can also modify extra credit parameters based on individual student needs. For instance, if a student is facing personal challenges that affect their academic performance, the instructor may provide them with additional opportunities for extra credit to help improve their overall grade.
Calculating Extra Credit
Points addition.
When it comes to calculating extra credit, the process involves adding additional points to students’ overall scores. These extra points can have a significant impact on their grades. By earning extra credit, students have the opportunity to improve their standing in a class and potentially raise their final grade.
To ensure accurate calculation when adding extra credit points, it is important for teachers to establish clear guidelines. They should clearly communicate how many points each extra credit assignment is worth and how those points will be added to the overall grade. This transparency helps students understand how their efforts will be rewarded and motivates them to actively pursue these opportunities.
It’s worth noting that not all teachers offer the same amount of extra credit points or use the same method for calculating them. Some may assign a fixed number of points for completing specific tasks, while others may opt for a percentage-based approach. Regardless of the method used, it is crucial for teachers to communicate these details clearly so that students can track their progress accurately.
Categories Application
Extra credit points can be applied across different categories of assignments, such as homework, quizzes, or projects. Categorizing extra credit work allows for better tracking and organization. For example, a teacher might allocate a certain number of bonus points specifically for completing additional reading assignments or participating in class discussions.
Categorization not only helps teachers keep track of which assignments are eligible for extra credit but also allows students to focus on areas where they need improvement or have a particular interest. By offering different categories of extra credit opportunities, teachers can cater to diverse learning styles and encourage engagement across various topics.
For instance, if a student excels in writing but struggles with math, they may choose to pursue extra credit opportunities in the writing category rather than math-related tasks. This flexibility enables students to play to their strengths while still benefiting from the additional points available.
Benefits of Extra Credit
Grade improvement.
Extra credit can be a valuable tool for improving students’ grades. By providing additional opportunities to earn points, extra credit allows students to make up for any missed assignments or low scores. This can be particularly beneficial for students who may have struggled with certain topics or concepts throughout the course.
To maximize the benefits of extra credit for grade improvement, students should first ensure that they have a clear understanding of the requirements and expectations set by their instructor. They should carefully review the guidelines provided and identify areas where they can focus their efforts to earn additional points. This might involve completing optional assignments, participating in class discussions, or conducting additional research on relevant topics.
Engaging in extra credit activities can also have a positive impact on overall student engagement and participation in the course. When students are motivated to earn extra credit, they are more likely to actively participate in class discussions, complete assignments on time, and seek help when needed. By doing so, they not only improve their chances of earning extra points but also enhance their understanding of the subject matter.
Drawbacks of Extra Credit
Grading inequality.
Grading inequality can be a significant concern when it comes to extra credit opportunities. While some students may excel at taking advantage of these additional assignments or projects, others may struggle to access or complete them. This can result in disparities in grading and create an unfair advantage for certain students.
To minimize grading inequality, it is crucial for educators to implement strategies that promote equity and fairness. One approach is to offer alternative options for earning extra credit, such as providing different types of assignments that cater to diverse learning styles. By doing so, teachers can ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to improve their grades through extra credit.
Clear guidelines and expectations should be established for completing extra credit assignments. This helps prevent any confusion or misunderstandings among students and ensures that everyone has a fair chance to earn additional points. Teachers should also consider setting limits on the number of extra credit opportunities available to avoid excessive advantages for certain individuals.
Overreliance Issues
While extra credit can be a valuable tool for grade improvement, overreliance on these opportunities can lead to negative consequences. Students who heavily depend on extra credit may neglect their regular coursework or fail to develop essential study habits. This overreliance can create a false sense of security and hinder long-term academic growth.
To prevent overreliance issues from affecting grading integrity, it is important for educators to strike a balance between regular coursework and extra credit assignments. Teachers should emphasize the importance of consistent effort throughout the semester rather than relying solely on last-minute attempts to boost grades.
Furthermore, educators can encourage students to view extra credit as an opportunity for enrichment rather than a means of salvaging their grades. By promoting this mindset, students are more likely to engage with the material and take advantage of the learning experience rather than simply aiming for higher marks.
Real-World Examples
Academic scenarios.
In the realm of academia, extra credit can play a significant role in motivating students and enhancing their learning experience. Let’s explore some scenarios where extra credit can be beneficial.
One common scenario is when students are given the opportunity to complete additional assignments or projects that delve deeper into a particular topic. This allows them to explore their interests and expand their knowledge beyond the regular coursework. For example, in a history class, students may have the chance to research and present on a historical event that aligns with their personal interests. This not only encourages independent thinking but also fosters a sense of ownership over their education.
Another academic scenario where extra credit can be valuable is when it is used as an incentive for participation and engagement. For instance, instructors may offer bonus points for active participation in class discussions or attending extracurricular events related to the subject matter. This encourages students to actively contribute to the learning environment and broadens their understanding through real-life experiences.
Furthermore, extra credit opportunities can be tailored to specific academic challenges or goals. In math or science courses, for instance, students might be given the chance to solve advanced problems or conduct additional experiments. These tasks provide an avenue for students to apply their knowledge in practical ways and deepen their understanding of complex concepts.
By adapting extra credit strategies to different academic scenarios, instructors can create an inclusive learning environment that caters to diverse student needs and interests.
Student Experiences
To gain further insights into the impact of extra credit on students’ academic journey, let’s explore some common experiences and feedback from students themselves.
Many students appreciate the flexibility that extra credit offers. It allows them to improve their grades or compensate for any shortcomings they may have encountered during the semester. Students often find it reassuring knowing that they have an opportunity to make up for missed assignments or lower test scores.
Moreover, extra credit provides motivation for some students who may not be naturally inclined towards a particular subject. By offering additional incentives, such as bonus points or alternative assignments, students are encouraged to invest more time and effort into areas they might otherwise overlook. This can lead to a deeper understanding of the subject matter and increased confidence in their abilities.
It is important to note that student voices should be considered when shaping extra credit policies. By seeking feedback and incorporating student perspectives, instructors can ensure that the opportunities provided align with students’ needs and enhance their learning experience.
Closing Thoughts
In conclusion, understanding how extra credit works can greatly benefit you in your academic journey. By exploring the different types of extra credit and learning how to add and manage it effectively, you can enhance your overall grades and improve your learning experience. Calculating the impact of extra credit and considering its benefits and drawbacks will help you make informed decisions about whether or not to pursue these opportunities.
Now that you have a comprehensive understanding of extra credit, it’s time to put this knowledge into action. Take advantage of the opportunities available to you and consider discussing extra credit options with your professors. Remember to approach extra credit strategically, focusing on areas where you can truly benefit and grow. By doing so, you’ll not only boost your grades but also deepen your understanding of the subject matter. Good luck on your academic journey!
Frequently Asked Questions
How does extra credit work.
Extra credit is a way for students to earn additional points or grades beyond their regular assignments. It is typically offered as an opportunity to boost overall grades or make up for missed assignments. Extra credit policies vary among teachers and schools, so it’s important to check with your instructor for specific details.
What are the types of extra credit?
There are various types of extra credit opportunities, such as bonus questions on exams, additional assignments or projects, participation in class discussions, volunteering for classroom activities, or attending relevant events outside of class. The specific types of extra credit available will depend on your teacher’s preferences and subject matter.
How can I add extra credit?
To add extra credit to your academic record, you should first review the guidelines provided by your teacher or institution. Typically, you need to complete the assigned tasks or meet the requirements outlined by your instructor. It’s essential to submit the extra credit work within the specified deadline and follow any specific instructions given.
How do I manage extra credit effectively?
Managing extra credit effectively involves planning and prioritizing your workload. Start by understanding the requirements and deadlines associated with each opportunity. Create a schedule that allows you to allocate time for both regular coursework and extra credit tasks. Stay organized, communicate with your teacher if needed, and track your progress to ensure timely completion.
What are the benefits of pursuing extra credit?
Engaging in extra credit can provide several benefits. It offers an opportunity to improve your grades, demonstrate commitment and dedication to learning, enhance subject knowledge through additional assignments or projects, and develop time management skills. Successfully completing extra credit can showcase your initiative and potentially impress college admissions officers or future employers.
Are there any drawbacks to consider with extra credit?
While extra credit can be advantageous, it’s crucial to consider potential drawbacks. Sometimes focusing too much on earning extra points may distract from mastering core course content. Extra credit might not be available for all courses or may have limited impact on overall grades. It’s important to strike a balance between regular coursework and extra credit activities to ensure a well-rounded academic experience.
Can you provide real-world examples of extra credit?
Real-world examples of extra credit can vary depending on the subject matter and teacher’s discretion. For instance, in a history class, attending a relevant museum exhibit or writing an additional research paper could earn extra points. In a science course, conducting independent experiments or presenting findings at a conference might be considered for extra credit. Check with your instructor for specific examples in your field of study.
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Why Should Teachers Give Extra Credit? Teachers should give extra credit if they support differentiation for students. When implemented properly, extra credit assignments can be a fantastic way to differentiate for different learner profiles. Many teachers hold the belief that a student's grade in a course should reflect their understanding of the curriculum.
The assignment portion was chosen because: 1. it is a subset of the overall course grade rather than points on the total grade; 2. this is where students seem to be slipping the most; and 3. the extra credit assignment would be an assignment and would best fit this subset of grades.
I have an small extra credit assignment for my students to get together and organize their own Zoom meeting to either study or play games (I included some websites with online options). I'm hoping it gives them an excuse to talk to their classmates even though we're remote, helps them de-stress some, and organize Zoom meetings if they've ...
Extra credit is a way to gain points, particularly used in schools. [1] Reasons for extra credit. Teachers employ extra credit for a variety of reasons. For example, it may be felt that students who are highly capable may benefit from an additional challenge that might not be suitable as required work for all students. Extra credit may also be ...
The assignment equates to 15% of the student's course grade. With this grade dynamic in mind, my students could receive up to 10 points extra credit on individual posts by completing the activity below. The language that follows is copied directly from my assignment sheet: Extra Credit: Up to 10 points total. Comment on a classmate's post.
Opportunities for students to maintain their typical average-to-above-average grades via extra credit assignments can be vital to student success and overall morale during turbulent times, such as a pandemic or personal tragedy in the individual's life. Often times, flexibility in due dates also provide benefit to instructors.
In this article, we will discuss some extra credit assignment ideas that can be used by teachers and parents alike. 11 Extra Credit Assignment Ideas. Students are usually assigned extra credit assignments by their teachers to help them improve their grades. Extra credit assignments are a great way to give students an incentive to perform well ...
Extra credit assignments or activities should connect directly to course materials and objectives (Dunn & Halonen, 2019). Limit the impact. Extra credit should not dramatically affect a student's grade. Extra credit may occasionally help students in borderline cases (e.g., moving from a B+ to an A-), but students should not be negatively ...
General extra credit assignments may count toward participation or the student's overall grade, depending on the class. Keep in mind that extra credit is always optional — students can decide to go for extra points or pass on the opportunity. Still, some professors intentionally avoid extra credit.
The value of these extra credit assignments can vary depending on the teacher's discretion. Some teachers may assign a fixed number of points for each extra credit assignment, while others may base the value on the difficulty or complexity of the task. For instance, a teacher might award five points for a short essay assignment and ten points ...