Feb 22, 2020 · various fields use the case study method for various purposes. Case studies can be used to understand a phenomenon in depth by gathering the opinion of several people as well as discovering a new phenomenon from the interaction with the participants. Case studies are widely used in interdisciplinary areas (Klaassen, 2018; Okamura, 2019). ... A practical guide for designing and carrying out qualitative case study in education is provided. How-to advice for managing all phases of case study research is included. The focus is on case studies that draw from what is commonly known as the qualitative research paradigm rather than a quantitative, positivistic, experimental orientation. ... In recent years, case study research has become more popular as a methodology in education research (Creswell, 2002; Merriam, 1998; VanWynsberghe & Khan, 2007; Yin, 2003). This could be due to a number of factors, from the increased interest in all forms of qualitative research to the proliferation of case studies used in education classes. ... Apr 8, 1991 · This book discusses the foundations of qualitative case study research, the components of data analysis using special techniques and computers to analyze qualitative data dealing with validity, reliability, and ethics in case studyResearch writing the case study report. Part 1 Foundations of qualitative case study research: the case study approach to research problems types and uses of case ... ... ">

A Case for Case Study Research in Education

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education qualitative case study

  • Kit Grauer  

1730 Accesses

13 Citations

This chapter makes the case that case study research is making a comeback in educational research because it allows researchers a broad range of methodological tools to suit the needs of answering questions of “how” and “why” within a particular real-world context. As Stake (1995) suggests, case study is often a preferred method of research because case studies may be epistemologically in harmony with the reader’s experience and thus to that person a natural basis for generalization.

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© 2012 Sheri R. Klein

About this chapter

Grauer, K. (2012). A Case for Case Study Research in Education. In: Klein, S.R. (eds) Action Research Methods. Palgrave Macmillan, New York. https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137046635_4

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137046635_4

Publisher Name : Palgrave Macmillan, New York

Print ISBN : 978-1-349-29560-9

Online ISBN : 978-1-137-04663-5

eBook Packages : Palgrave Education Collection Education (R0)

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  2. A Case for Case Study Research in Education | SpringerLink

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    with it, or study the unit's history. A case study differs from other research methods primarily in the nature of the product. The case study results in an intensive, holistic description and analysis of the phenomenon or social unit being studied. It is characterized by what Geertz (in Guba and Lincoln, 1981) calls "thick description."

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    Feb 22, 2020 · various fields use the case study method for various purposes. Case studies can be used to understand a phenomenon in depth by gathering the opinion of several people as well as discovering a new phenomenon from the interaction with the participants. Case studies are widely used in interdisciplinary areas (Klaassen, 2018; Okamura, 2019).

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    A practical guide for designing and carrying out qualitative case study in education is provided. How-to advice for managing all phases of case study research is included. The focus is on case studies that draw from what is commonly known as the qualitative research paradigm rather than a quantitative, positivistic, experimental orientation.

  9. A Case for Case Study Research in Education - Springer

    In recent years, case study research has become more popular as a methodology in education research (Creswell, 2002; Merriam, 1998; VanWynsberghe & Khan, 2007; Yin, 2003). This could be due to a number of factors, from the increased interest in all forms of qualitative research to the proliferation of case studies used in education classes.

  10. Case Study Research in Education : A Qualitative Approach

    Apr 8, 1991 · This book discusses the foundations of qualitative case study research, the components of data analysis using special techniques and computers to analyze qualitative data dealing with validity, reliability, and ethics in case studyResearch writing the case study report. Part 1 Foundations of qualitative case study research: the case study approach to research problems types and uses of case ...