
How to Map Symbolic Account to G/L Account in SAP

Mason Garcia

The following SAP transactions are used to map symbolic accounts to different General Ledger Accounts

Map Symbolic Account to G/L Account

  • OBYG – maps symbolic accounts to financial accounts ( liabilities )
  • OBYE – maps symbolic accounts to expense accounts ( expenses )

How to Map Symbolic Account to G/L Account

Step 1) Enter OBYG. Enter transaction OBYG in the SAP transaction code box

Map Symbolic Account to G/L Account

Step 2) Enter Chart. Enter the Chart of Accounts . Click Enter

Map Symbolic Account to G/L Account

Step 3) Click on create. In the next SAP screen, click create

Map Symbolic Account to G/L Account

Step 4) Enter symbolic account and G/L account. Enter Symbolic account and G/L account . Click Save to complete the task.

Map Symbolic Account to G/L Account

Step 5) Transaction OBYE Enter the Employee Group. For transaction OBYE all the above process is same, just that you will have to enter the Employee Group also as show below.

Map Symbolic Account to G/L Account

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Assigning G/L Accounts to Account Symbols

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SAP Treasury and Risk Management Part 2

Define account determination.

IMG- FSCM – Treasury & Risk Management- Transaction manager – General Settings-Accounting- Link to Other Accounting Components

Here we link the GL accounts to Account assignment reference. This activity covers many tasks which are explained as below.

Define Account Symbols

Account Symbols represent GL Accounts. SAP has defined several standard account symbols. Can add new ones if required.

Define Posting Specs

It links Account symbols defined in earlier step with Posting type (Balance Sheet, Profit/Loss) and Debit or Credit accounting entry. For our configuration below posting specs are required.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

Assign Update Types to Posting Specs

Assign Update Type to Posting specs defined in last step.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

Assignment of GL Accounts to Account Symbols

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

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Error F5507, F5 507, G/L Account, Chart of Accounts , TBB1, Posting, Incorrect G/L Account, account symbol 3, Assignment of G/L Accounts symbols, Sachkonto, Kontenplan , KBA , FIN-FSCM-TRM-AC , Position Management and Accounting , Problem

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