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Assignment Operators in Python
The Python Operators are used to perform operations on values and variables. These are the special symbols that carry out arithmetic, logical, and bitwise computations. The value the operator operates on is known as the Operand. Here, we will cover Different Assignment operators in Python .
Here are the Assignment Operators in Python with examples.
Assignment Operator
Assignment Operators are used to assign values to variables. This operator is used to assign the value of the right side of the expression to the left side operand.
Addition Assignment Operator
The Addition Assignment Operator is used to add the right-hand side operand with the left-hand side operand and then assigning the result to the left operand.
Example: In this code we have two variables ‘a’ and ‘b’ and assigned them with some integer value. Then we have used the addition assignment operator which will first perform the addition operation and then assign the result to the variable on the left-hand side.
S ubtraction Assignment Operator
The Subtraction Assignment Operator is used to subtract the right-hand side operand from the left-hand side operand and then assigning the result to the left-hand side operand.
Example: In this code we have two variables ‘a’ and ‘b’ and assigned them with some integer value. Then we have used the subtraction assignment operator which will first perform the subtraction operation and then assign the result to the variable on the left-hand side.
M ultiplication Assignment Operator
The Multiplication Assignment Operator is used to multiply the right-hand side operand with the left-hand side operand and then assigning the result to the left-hand side operand.
Example: In this code we have two variables ‘a’ and ‘b’ and assigned them with some integer value. Then we have used the multiplication assignment operator which will first perform the multiplication operation and then assign the result to the variable on the left-hand side.
D ivision Assignment Operator
The Division Assignment Operator is used to divide the left-hand side operand with the right-hand side operand and then assigning the result to the left operand.
Example: In this code we have two variables ‘a’ and ‘b’ and assigned them with some integer value. Then we have used the division assignment operator which will first perform the division operation and then assign the result to the variable on the left-hand side.
M odulus Assignment Operator
The Modulus Assignment Operator is used to take the modulus, that is, it first divides the operands and then takes the remainder and assigns it to the left operand.
Example: In this code we have two variables ‘a’ and ‘b’ and assigned them with some integer value. Then we have used the modulus assignment operator which will first perform the modulus operation and then assign the result to the variable on the left-hand side.
F loor Division Assignment Operator
The Floor Division Assignment Operator is used to divide the left operand with the right operand and then assigs the result(floor value) to the left operand.
Example: In this code we have two variables ‘a’ and ‘b’ and assigned them with some integer value. Then we have used the floor division assignment operator which will first perform the floor division operation and then assign the result to the variable on the left-hand side.
Exponentiation Assignment Operator
The Exponentiation Assignment Operator is used to calculate the exponent(raise power) value using operands and then assigning the result to the left operand.
Example: In this code we have two variables ‘a’ and ‘b’ and assigned them with some integer value. Then we have used the exponentiation assignment operator which will first perform exponent operation and then assign the result to the variable on the left-hand side.
Bitwise AND Assignment Operator
The Bitwise AND Assignment Operator is used to perform Bitwise AND operation on both operands and then assigning the result to the left operand.
Example: In this code we have two variables ‘a’ and ‘b’ and assigned them with some integer value. Then we have used the bitwise AND assignment operator which will first perform Bitwise AND operation and then assign the result to the variable on the left-hand side.
Bitwise OR Assignment Operator
The Bitwise OR Assignment Operator is used to perform Bitwise OR operation on the operands and then assigning result to the left operand.
Example: In this code we have two variables ‘a’ and ‘b’ and assigned them with some integer value. Then we have used the bitwise OR assignment operator which will first perform bitwise OR operation and then assign the result to the variable on the left-hand side.
Bitwise XOR Assignment Operator
The Bitwise XOR Assignment Operator is used to perform Bitwise XOR operation on the operands and then assigning result to the left operand.
Example: In this code we have two variables ‘a’ and ‘b’ and assigned them with some integer value. Then we have used the bitwise XOR assignment operator which will first perform bitwise XOR operation and then assign the result to the variable on the left-hand side.
Bitwise Right Shift Assignment Operator
The Bitwise Right Shift Assignment Operator is used to perform Bitwise Right Shift Operation on the operands and then assign result to the left operand.
Example: In this code we have two variables ‘a’ and ‘b’ and assigned them with some integer value. Then we have used the bitwise right shift assignment operator which will first perform bitwise right shift operation and then assign the result to the variable on the left-hand side.
Bitwise Left Shift Assignment Operator
The Bitwise Left Shift Assignment Operator is used to perform Bitwise Left Shift Opertator on the operands and then assign result to the left operand.
Example: In this code we have two variables ‘a’ and ‘b’ and assigned them with some integer value. Then we have used the bitwise left shift assignment operator which will first perform bitwise left shift operation and then assign the result to the variable on the left-hand side.
Walrus Operator
The Walrus Operator in Python is a new assignment operator which is introduced in Python version 3.8 and higher. This operator is used to assign a value to a variable within an expression.
Example: In this code, we have a Python list of integers. We have used Python Walrus assignment operator within the Python while loop . The operator will solve the expression on the right-hand side and assign the value to the left-hand side operand ‘x’ and then execute the remaining code.
Assignment Operators in Python – FAQs
What are assignment operators in python.
Assignment operators in Python are used to assign values to variables. These operators can also perform additional operations during the assignment. The basic assignment operator is = , which simply assigns the value of the right-hand operand to the left-hand operand. Other common assignment operators include += , -= , *= , /= , %= , and more, which perform an operation on the variable and then assign the result back to the variable.
What is the := Operator in Python?
The := operator, introduced in Python 3.8, is known as the “walrus operator”. It is an assignment expression, which means that it assigns values to variables as part of a larger expression. Its main benefit is that it allows you to assign values to variables within expressions, including within conditions of loops and if statements, thereby reducing the need for additional lines of code. Here’s an example: # Example of using the walrus operator in a while loop while (n := int(input("Enter a number (0 to stop): "))) != 0: print(f"You entered: {n}") This loop continues to prompt the user for input and immediately uses that input in both the condition check and the loop body.
What is the Assignment Operator in Structure?
In programming languages that use structures (like C or C++), the assignment operator = is used to copy values from one structure variable to another. Each member of the structure is copied from the source structure to the destination structure. Python, however, does not have a built-in concept of ‘structures’ as in C or C++; instead, similar functionality is achieved through classes or dictionaries.
What is the Assignment Operator in Python Dictionary?
In Python dictionaries, the assignment operator = is used to assign a new key-value pair to the dictionary or update the value of an existing key. Here’s how you might use it: my_dict = {} # Create an empty dictionary my_dict['key1'] = 'value1' # Assign a new key-value pair my_dict['key1'] = 'updated value' # Update the value of an existing key print(my_dict) # Output: {'key1': 'updated value'}
What is += and -= in Python?
The += and -= operators in Python are compound assignment operators. += adds the right-hand operand to the left-hand operand and assigns the result to the left-hand operand. Conversely, -= subtracts the right-hand operand from the left-hand operand and assigns the result to the left-hand operand. Here are examples of both: # Example of using += a = 5 a += 3 # Equivalent to a = a + 3 print(a) # Output: 8 # Example of using -= b = 10 b -= 4 # Equivalent to b = b - 4 print(b) # Output: 6 These operators make code more concise and are commonly used in loops and iterative data processing.
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What is Assignment Operator in Python?
Before deep-diving into the assignment operators in Python, first, understand what operators are. So operators are used in between the operands to perform various operations, like mathematical operations , bitwise operations , logical operations , and so on. Here, operands are the values on which operators perform the actions. So, assignment operators are used to assigning values to the operands on the left-hand side. Assignment operators assign the right-hand side values to the operand that is present on the left-hand side. The assignment operator in Python is used as the "=" symbol.
Let’s see a very basic example of the assignment operator.
Table Of Assignment Operators
Here we will see different assignment operators in Python with their names, descriptions, and syntax. Let's take them one by one.
Assignment Operator :
This is an assignment operator in Python which assigns the right-hand side expression value to the operand present on the left-hand side.
Sample Code :
Addition Assignment Operator :
This type of assignment operator in Python adds left and right operands, and after that, it assigns the calculated value to the left-hand operand.
Subtraction Assignment Operator :
This operator subtracts the right operand from the left operand and assigns the result to the left operand.
Multiplication Assignment Operator:
This operator will multiply the left-hand side operand by the right-hand side operand and, after that, assign the result to the left-hand operand.
Division Assignment Operator :
This type of assignment operator in Python will divide the left-hand side operand from the right-hand side operand and, after that, assign the result to the left-hand operand.
Modulus Assignment Operator :
This operator will divide the left-hand side operand to the right-hand side operand and, after that, assign the reminder to the left-hand operand.
Click here, to learn more about modulus in python .
Exponentiation Assignment Operator :
This operator raises the left-side operand to the power of the right-side operand and assigns the result to the left-side value.
Floor Division Assignment Operator :
This operator will divide the left operand by the right operand and assign the quotient value (which would be in the form of an integer) to the left operand.
Bitwise AND Assignment Operator :
This operator will perform the bitwise operation on both the left and right operands and, after that, it will assign the resultant value to the left operand.
Bitwise OR Assignment Operator:
This operator will perform the bitwise or operation on both the left and right operands and, after that, it will assign the resultant value to the left operand.
Bitwise XOR Assignment Operator:
This operator will perform the bitwise XOR operation on the left and right operands and, after that, it will assign the resultant value to the left operand.
Bitwise Right Shift Assignment Operator :
This operator will right shift the left operand by the specified position, i.e., b , and after that, it will assign the resultant value to the left operand.
Bitwise Left Shift Assignment Operator:
This operator will left shift the left operand by the specified position, i.e., b , and after that, it will assign the resultant value to the left operand.
- Assignment operators in Python assign the right-hand side values to the operand that is present on the left-hand side.
- The assignment operators in Python is used as the "=" symbol.
- We have different types of assignment operators like +=, -=, \*=, %=, /=, //=, \*\*=, &=, |=, ^=, >>=, <<= .
- All the operators have the same precedence, and hence we prioritise operations based on their associativiy . The associativity is from right to left.
Learn More:
- XOR in Python .
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Assignment Operators in Python – A Comprehensive Guide
Updated on July 27, 2024
Ever felt confused about assigning values to variables in Python ? Wondering how to simplify operations like addition, subtraction, or even bitwise shifts?
Many of us face these questions when diving into Python programming .
Assignment operators in Python are here to make our lives easier. These operators help us assign values to variables in a clean and efficient way and make our code efficient and compact.
We’ll explore how these operators work and how we can use them to streamline our code.
Basic Assignment Operator
Let’s start with the basics.
The equal sign (=) is the simple assignment operator in Python. It assigns the value on its right to the variable on its left.
In this example:
- We assign the values 10 to a and 5 to b.
- We add a and b and assign the result to c.
- We print the value of c, which is 15.
Augmented Assignment Operators in Python
Now, let’s move on to augmented assignment operators.
These operators combine an operation with an assignment in one step. They make our code more concise and easier to read.
Addition Assignment Operator (+=)
How It Works: This operator would thus add to the right operand and assign the result to the left operand.
Here, a is initially 10.
The ‘+=’ operator adds 5 to a and assigns the result back to a. So, a becomes 15.
Subtraction Assignment Operator (-=)
How It Works: It subtracts the right operand from the left operand and assigns the result to the left operand.
Initially, a is 10.
The ‘-=’ operator subtracts 5 from a and assigns the result back to a. Thus, a becomes 5.
Multiplication Assignment Operator (*=)
How It Works: This is the operator for multiplication of the left operand by the right operand, with the result being assigned to the left operand.
The ‘*=’ operator multiplies a by 5 and assigns the result back to a. Hence, a becomes 50.
Division Assignment Operator (/=)
How It Works: It divides the left operand by the right and assigns the outcome to the left operand.
The ‘/=’ operator divides a by 5 and assigns the result back to a. Thus, a becomes 2.0.
Modulus Assignment Operator (%=)
How It Works: This operator divides the left operand by the right operand and assigns the remainder to the left operand.
The ‘%=’ operator divides a by 3 and assigns the remainder back to a. Therefore, a becomes 1.
Floor Division Assignment Operator (//=)
How It Works: It performs floor division of the left operand by the right operand and, therefore, modifies the value of the left operand.
The ‘//=’ operator divides a by 3 and assigns the floor value back to a. So, a becomes 3.
Exponentiation Assignment Operator (**=)
How It Works: The operator raises the left operand to the power of the right one and puts the result back into the left operand.
Initially, a is 2.
The ‘**=’ operator raises a to the power of 3 and assigns the result back to a. Therefore, a becomes 8.
Bitwise AND Assignment Operator (&=)
How It Works: It performs a bitwise AND operation on the operands and assigns the result to the left operand.
Initially, a is 5 (0101 in binary).
The ‘&=’ operator performs a bitwise AND with 3 (0011 in binary) and assigns the result back to a. Thus, a becomes 1 (0001 in binary).
Bitwise OR Assignment Operator (|=)
How It Works: This operator performs a bitwise OR operation on the operands and assigns the result to the left operand.
The ‘|=’ operator performs a bitwise OR with 3 (0011 in binary) and assigns the result back to a. So, a becomes 7 (0111 in binary).
Bitwise XOR Assignment Operator (^=)
How It Works: It performs a bitwise XOR operation on the operands and assigns the result to the left operand.
The ‘^=’ operator performs a bitwise XOR with 3 (0011 in binary) and assigns the result back to a. Thus, a becomes 6 (0110 in binary).
Bitwise Right Shift Assignment Operator (>>=)
How It Works: This operator performs a bitwise right shift on the left operand and assigns the result to the left operand.
Initially, a is 8 (1000 in binary).
The ‘>>=’ operator right shifts a by 2 and assigns the result back to a. So, a becomes 2 (0010 in binary).
Bitwise Left Shift Assignment Operator (<<=)
How It Works: It performs a bitwise left shift on the left operand and assigns the result to the left operand.
Initially, a is 3 (0011 in binary).
The ‘<<=’ operator left shifts a by 2 and assigns the result back to a. Therefore, a becomes 12 (1100 in binary).
Introducing the Walrus Operator (:=)
Ever wondered if there’s a way to simplify assignments within expressions?
Meet the Walrus Operator.
The Walrus Operator (:=) allows us to assign values to variables as part of an expression. It makes our code more concise and readable.
Imagine you’re iterating over a list and want to process elements until the list becomes short. The Walrus Operator lets us do this efficiently.
- n is assigned the length of a within the while loop condition.
- The loop runs until a has two or fewer elements.
- We reduce our code’s length without sacrificing clarity.
Practical Examples of Assignment Operators
Let’s dive into more practical examples of assignment operators in Python.
These examples will help us see how assignment operators make our code cleaner and more efficient.
Addition Assignment Operator (+=):
- We use the += operator to accumulate the sum of numbers from 0 to 4.
Subtraction Assignment Operator (-=):
- We use the -= operator to update the balance after each withdrawal.
Multiplication Assignment Operator (*=):
Division Assignment Operator (/=):
Modulus Assignment Operator (%=):
Floor Division Assignment Operator (//=):
Exponentiation Assignment Operator (**=):
Bitwise AND Assignment Operator (&=):
Bitwise OR Assignment Operator (|=):
Bitwise XOR Assignment Operator (^=):
Bitwise Right Shift Assignment Operator (>>=):
Bitwise Left Shift Assignment Operator (<<=):
Mastering assignment operators in Python can significantly improve our coding skills. These operators help us write cleaner, more efficient code. In this comprehensive guide, we explored assignment operators in Python, from the basic operator to the more advanced augmented operators and the Walrus Operator.
Whether we’re using simple assignments or the Walrus Operator, understanding these tools is essential. As we practice and apply these operators, our Python programming becomes more intuitive and effective.
- = operator is used for value assignment.
- == does a comparison to check if the two values are equal.
- += operator adds the right operand to the left operand and assigns the result to the left operand.
- + simply adds the operands without assignment.
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Operators are used to perform operations on variables and values.
In the example below, we use the + operator to add together two values:
Python divides the operators in the following groups:
- Arithmetic operators
- Assignment operators
- Comparison operators
- Logical operators
- Identity operators
- Membership operators
- Bitwise operators
Python Arithmetic Operators
Arithmetic operators are used with numeric values to perform common mathematical operations:
Python Assignment Operators
Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables:
Python Comparison Operators
Comparison operators are used to compare two values:
Python Logical Operators
Logical operators are used to combine conditional statements:
Python Identity Operators
Identity operators are used to compare the objects, not if they are equal, but if they are actually the same object, with the same memory location:
Python Membership Operators
Membership operators are used to test if a sequence is presented in an object:
Python Bitwise Operators
Bitwise operators are used to compare (binary) numbers:
Operator Precedence
Operator precedence describes the order in which operations are performed.
Parentheses has the highest precedence, meaning that expressions inside parentheses must be evaluated first:
Multiplication * has higher precedence than addition + , and therefor multiplications are evaluated before additions:
The precedence order is described in the table below, starting with the highest precedence at the top:
If two operators have the same precedence, the expression is evaluated from left to right.
Addition + and subtraction - has the same precedence, and therefor we evaluate the expression from left to right:
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Table of Contents
Assignment operator, addition assignment operator, subtraction assignment operator, multiplication assignment operator, division assignment operator, modulus assignment operator, floor division assignment operator, exponentiation assignment operator, bitwise and assignment operator, bitwise or assignment operator, bitwise xor assignment operator , bitwise right shift assignment operator, bitwise left shift assignment operator, walrus operator, conclusion , python assignment operator: tips and tricks to learn.
Assignment operators are vital in computer programming because they assign values to variables. Python stores and manipulates data with assignment operators like many other programming languages . First, let's review the fundamentals of Python assignment operators so you can understand the concept.
In Python, the following operators are often used for assignments:
Sign Type of Python Operators = Assignment Operator += Addition assignment -= Subtraction assignment *= Multiplication assignment /= Division assignment %= Modulus assignment //= Floor division assignment **= Exponentiation assignment &= Bitwise AND assignment |= Bitwise OR assignment ^= Bitwise XOR assignment >>= Bitwise right shift assignment <<= Bitwise left shift assignment := Walrus Operator
Python uses in-fix assignment operators to perform operations on variables or operands and assign values to the operand on the left side of the operator. It carries out calculations involving arithmetic, logical, and bitwise operations.
Python assignment operator provides a way to define assignment statements. This statement allows you to create, initialize, and update variables throughout your code, just like a software engineer . Variables are crucial in any code; assignment statements provide complete control over creating and modifying variables.
Understanding the Python assignment operator and how it is used in assignment statements can equip you with valuable tools to enhance the quality and reliability of your Python code.
In Python, the equals sign (=) is the primary assignment operator. It assigns the variable's value on the left side to the value on the right side of the operator.
Here's a sample to think about:
In this code snippet, the variable 'x' is given the value of 6. The assignment operator doesn't check for equality but assigns the value.
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The addition assignment operator (+=) adds the right-hand value to the left-hand variable.
The addition assignment operator syntax is variable += value.
The addition assignment operator increments a by 5. The console displays 14 as the result.
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The subtraction assignment operator subtracts a value from a variable and stores it in the same variable.
The subtraction assignment operator syntax is variable-=-value.
Using the multiplication assignment operator (=), multiply the value on the right by the variable's existing value on the left.
The assignment operator for multiplication has the following syntax: variable *= value
In this situation, the multiplication assignment operator multiplies the value of a by 2. The output, 10, is shown on the console.
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Using the division assignment operator (/=), divide the value of the left-hand variable by the value of the right-hand variable.
The assignment operator for division has the following syntax: variable /= value
Using the division assignment operator, divide a value by 3. The console displays 5.0.
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The modulus assignment operator (% =) divides the left and right variable values by the modulus. The variable receives the remainder.
The modulus assignment operator syntax is variable %= value.
The modulus assignment operator divides a by 2. The console displays the following: 1.
Use "//" to divide and assign floors in one phrase. What "a//=b" means is "a=a//b". This operator cannot handle complicated numbers.
The floor division assignment operator syntax is variable == value.
The floor division assignment operator divides a by 2. The console displays 5.
The exponentiation assignment operator (=) elevates the left variable value to the right value's power.
Operator syntax for exponentiation assignment:
The exponentiation assignment operator raises a to 2. The console shows 9.
The bitwise AND assignment operator (&=) combines the left and right variable values using a bitwise AND operation. Results are assigned to variables.
The bitwise AND assignment operator syntax is variable &= value.
The bitwise AND assignment operator ANDes a with 2. The console displays 2 as the outcome.
The bitwise OR assignment operator (|=) bitwise ORs the left and right variable values.
The bitwise OR assignment operator syntax is variable == value.
A is ORed with 4 using the bitwise OR assignment operator. The console displays 6.
Use the bitwise XOR assignment operator (^=) to XOR the left and right values of a variable. Results are assigned to variables.
For bitwise XOR assignment, use the syntax: variable ^= value.
The bitwise XOR assignment operator XORs a with 4. The console displays 2 as the outcome.
The right shift assignment operator (>>=) shifts the variable's left value right by the number of places specified on the right.
The assignment operator for the bitwise right shift has the following syntax:
variable >>= value
The bitwise right shift assignment operator shifts 2 places to the right. The result is 1.
The variable value on the left moves left by the specified number of places on the right using the left shift assignment operator (<<=).
The bitwise left shift assignment operator syntax is variable <<= value.
When we execute a Bitwise right shift on 'a', we get 00011110, which is 30 in decimal.
Python gets new features with each update. Emily Morehouse added the walrus operator to Python 3.8's initial alpha. The most significant change in Python 3.8 is assignment expressions. The ":=" operator allows mid-expression variable assignment. This operator is called the walrus operator.
variable := expression
It was named for the operator symbol (:=), which resembled a sideways walrus' eyes and tusks.
Walrus operators simplify code authoring, which is its main benefit. Each user input was stored in a variable before being passed to the for loop to check its value or apply a condition. It is important to note that the walrus operator cannot be used alone.
With the walrus operator, you can simultaneously define a variable and return a value.
Above, we created two variables, myVar and value, with the phrase myVar = (value = 2346). The expression (value = 2346) defines the variable value using the walrus operator. It returns the value outside the parenthesis as if value = 2346 were a function.
The variable myVar is initialized using the return value from the expression (value = 2346).
The output shows that both variables have the same value.
Learn more about other Python operators by reading our detailed guide here .
Discover how Python assignment operators simplify and optimize programs. Python assignment operators are explained in length in this guide, along with examples, to help you understand them. Start this intriguing journey to improve your Python knowledge and programming skills with Simplilearn's Python training course .
1. What is the ":=" operator in Python?
Python's walrus operator ":" evaluates, assigns, and returns a value from a single sentence. Python 3.8 introduces it with this syntax (variable:=expression).
2. What does = mean in Python?
The most significant change in Python 3.8 is assignment expressions. The walrus operator allows mid-expression variable assignment.
3. What is def (:) Python?
The function definition in Python is (:). Functions are defined with def. A parameter or parameter(s) follows the function name. The function body begins with an indentation after the colon (:). The function body's return statement determines the value.
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Python Assignment Operators
In Python, assignment operators play a vital role in assigning values to variables and modifying them efficiently. While the basic assignment operator = is used most often, Python offers several compound operators that combine assignment with arithmetic or bitwise operations, allowing for more concise and expressive code. These operators help streamline code by saving you from repeatedly referencing the same variable. Let’s dive into each of these assignment operators and understand how they work.
Basic Assignment: =
The simplest assignment operator in Python is the = operator. It assigns the value on the right-hand side to the variable on the left. For instance, if you write:
You are assigning the value 5 to the variable x . This operator forms the basis for all other assignment operators.
Add and Assign: +=
The += operator is a shorthand for adding a value to a variable and then assigning the result back to that same variable. Essentially, x += y is the same as writing x = x + y . This helps shorten code, especially when you’re updating a variable multiple times.
For example:
This is both readable and efficient, especially in loops or repetitive calculations.
Subtract and Assign: -=
Similar to += , the -= operator subtracts a value from the variable and assigns the result back to the variable. Instead of writing x = x - value , you can simply use x -= value .
It keeps your code neat while performing subtraction updates.
Multiply and Assign: *=
The *= operator multiplies the variable by a value and reassigns the result back to that variable. It’s a more concise form of x = x * value , making it handy when you need to scale a value repeatedly.
For instance:
This operator shines in scenarios where multiplication is repeatedly applied to a variable.
Divide and Assign: /=
The /= operator divides the variable by the specified value and assigns the quotient back to the variable. It’s equivalent to writing x = x / value , but more compact.
It’s worth noting that division always results in a floating-point number, even if the operands are integers.
Floor Division and Assign: //=
If you need to perform floor division, which gives you the quotient rounded down to the nearest whole number, you can use the //= operator. This is equivalent to x = x // value .
Here’s an example:
This operator is particularly useful when you need integer division results without any remainder.
Modulus and Assign: %=
The %= , or modulus assignment operator, computes the remainder when dividing the variable by a value and assigns that remainder back to the variable. It’s a quick way to express x = x % value .
This is often used in scenarios like cycling through a sequence or checking even/odd numbers.
Exponent and Assign: **=
If you need to raise a variable to a power, you can use the **= operator. It simplifies x = x ** value , where the variable is raised to the power of the value on the right-hand side.
This is especially useful in mathematical applications requiring exponential growth or power operations.
Bitwise AND and Assign: &=
The &= operator performs a bitwise AND operation between the variable and the value, then assigns the result back to the variable. It’s a concise way to write x = x & value , and it’s used mainly in low-level bit manipulation.
Bitwise OR and Assign: |=
Similarly, the |= operator applies a bitwise OR operation between the variable and a value, reassigning the result. It’s shorthand for x = x | value .
This operator is often used in situations where you need to set specific bits in a binary value.
Bitwise XOR and Assign: ^=
The ^= operator performs a bitwise XOR (exclusive OR) operation between the variable and a value, and then assigns the result back to the variable. It’s a compact way to express x = x ^ value .
This operation is frequently used in cryptography and checksum algorithms.
Bitwise Shift Left and Assign: <<=
The <<= operator shifts the bits of a variable to the left by a specified number of positions and assigns the result back to the variable. This is equivalent to writing x = x << value .
Shifting left is often used for multiplication by powers of two in bit-level optimization.
Bitwise Shift Right and Assign: >>=
Finally, the >>= operator shifts the bits of the variable to the right by the given number of positions and reassigns the result. This is shorthand for x = x >> value .
This is useful when performing division by powers of two at the bit level.
Python Assignment Operators: Conclusion
Python’s assignment operators offer a powerful way to update variables concisely while combining arithmetic or bitwise operations. Understanding these operators not only helps in writing more efficient code but also enhances its readability. Whether you’re performing simple arithmetic or diving into bit-level manipulations, Python’s assignment operators provide the flexibility needed to streamline your code.
Happy Coding!
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Hi, I’m Peter, a professional developer with over 25 years of experience. My journey with coding started when I was just a kid, exploring the world of programming and building my first projects out of pure curiosity and passion. Since then, I’ve turned this lifelong passion into a rewarding career, working on a wide range of projects, from small scripts to complex applications.
Now, I’m here to help others get started with coding through this blog. I know that learning to code can feel overwhelming at first, but I believe that with the right guidance, anyone can develop the skills they need to become a proficient programmer. My goal is to simplify the learning process and provide step-by-step resources that make coding accessible, fun, and practical for everyone.
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The Walrus Operator in Python is a new assignment operator which is introduced in Python version 3.8 and higher. This operator is used to assign a value to a variable within an expression. Syntax: a := expression. Example: In this code, we have a Python list of integers. We have used Python Walrus assignment operator within the Python while loop.
130. This symbol := is an assignment operator in Python (mostly called as the Walrus Operator). In a nutshell, the walrus operator compresses our code to make it a little shorter. Here's a very simple example: # without walrus. n = 30. if n > 10: print(f"{n} is greater than 10") # with walrus.
Python Assignment Operators. Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables: Operator. Example. Same As. Try it. =. x = 5. x = 5.
Python’s assignment operators allow you to define assignment statements. This type of statement lets you create, initialize, and update variables throughout your code. Variables are a fundamental cornerstone in every piece of code, and assignment statements give you complete control over variable creation and mutation.
The := operator is officially known as the assignment expression operator. During early discussions, it was dubbed the walrus operator because the := syntax resembles the eyes and tusks of a walrus lying on its side. You may also see the := operator referred to as the colon equals operator.
So, assignment operators are used to assigning values to the operands on the left-hand side. Assignment operators assign the right-hand side values to the operand that is present on the left-hand side. The assignment operator in Python is used as the "=" symbol. Let’s see a very basic example of the assignment operator.
The equal sign (=) is the simple assignment operator in Python. It assigns the value on its right to the variable on its left. Example: a = 10 b = 5 c = a + b. print(c) # Output: 15. In this example: We assign the values 10 to a and 5 to b. We add a and b and assign the result to c. We print the value of c, which is 15.
Python Identity Operators. Identity operators are used to compare the objects, not if they are equal, but if they are actually the same object, with the same memory location: Operator. Description. Example. Try it. is. Returns True if both variables are the same object. x is y.
Python uses in-fix assignment operators to perform operations on variables or operands and assign values to the operand on the left side of the operator. It carries out calculations involving arithmetic, logical, and bitwise operations. Python assignment operator provides a way to define assignment statements.
The simplest assignment operator in Python is the = operator. It assigns the value on the right-hand side to the variable on the left. For instance, if you write: x = 5. You are assigning the value 5 to the variable x. This operator forms the basis for all other assignment operators.